for all the money we're paying you, something better god-damned well be under that sand. never? what if i were to wager five hundred dollars says we get to hamunaptra before you? well, what the hell we doin'? see ya there, o'connell! where'd all these camels come from? this here is our statue,. friend. see! that proves it! old seti's fortune's gotta be under this sand! curse my ass. assimilate their organs and fluids? ya mean eat 'em? stupid superstitious bastard. yeah! it's supposed to be made outta pure gold! ya know if ya dry him out, you can sell him for firewood. water turning to blood. you bastards! right! and ya know how he gets fully regenerated?! by killing everybody who opened that chest and sucking us dry! that's how! naw, he scrammed outta there, yeah, i'm not leavin, this fort for nothin'. the hell with this. i'm goin, downstairs to get me a drink. you want somethin'? shut-up! just shut-up! we gotta do somethin'! we gotta do somethin, now! before it's too late! that book we found at hamunaptra? what!?