the gunshot echoes into the cemetery as imhotep, evelyn and beni step-up to the strange altar, where four thousand years ago imhotep tried to bring anck-su-namun back to life. imhotep prepares the altar while speaking in hebrew. beni holds his gun on her, translating: imhotep turns from the altar as he hears more gunshots echoing out of the passageways. he angrily reaches into another of anck-su-namun's canopic jars, pulls out her crusty liver and crushes it to dust, then quickly starts reading a passage from the book and blows the dust down a passageway. evelyn wakes up, lying chained to the top of the altar. she blinks, then turns her head, -- and looks right into the rotted face of anck-su-namun's corpse. evelyn screams. imhotep reads from the book. the rotten priest-mummies rock back and forth, chanting. evelyn struggles.