i knew this was gonna be a lousy day. shut-up and gimme your bandolier. now gimme your revolver, you'll never use it anyway. now go find me a big stick. so i can tie it to your back, you appear to be without a spine. how'd a guy like you end up in the legion anyways? altar boys? no, but i'm considering it. none of the above, thank you. i was just looking for a good time. oh shit. steady! steady! what the hell am i sayin'? steady!! what the hell am i doin'? fire! fire! fire! son-of-a-bitch. hey! beni! wait up! what are ya doing?! wait up! don't you close that door! don't you close that door! i'm gonna get you for this! so who's the broad? yeah? well,. i'm sure she's not a total loss. i tremble with anticipation. no. no. you came to ask me about hamunaptra. because that's where i found it. i was there. hey,. don't i know you? i just decked your brother yeah, i was there. every damn day. -- i know what you mean. i was there, alright. seti's place. the city of the dead. i found sand. i saw death. want to know? really want to know? then get me the hell outta here. yeah, i'd like ya to let me go. give. give him. give him glaaaa-- ! anyone i know? yeah, sure, smashing. all i can tell you, miss, is that my colonel found that map in an ancient fortress, and the whole damn garrison believed in it so much, that without orders, we marched halfway across libya and into egypt to find that city. like i told ya, all i saw was sand. everybody else was wiped out by tuareg warriors. i'll take your bags. i only gamble with my life, never my money. yer on. what makes you? sorry, didn't mean to scare ya. still angry that i kissed ya, huh? the last time i was at that place everybody i was with died. there's something out there, you know, something under that sand. evil. the tuaregs and the bedouin believe that hamunaptra is cursed, they call it, "the doorway to hell." and the fact that they say it's made out of pure gold, makes no nevermind to you, right? i know my treasure. i was about to be hanged, seemed like a good idea at the time. what?. wha'd i say? why if it ain't my little buddy, beni. i oughta kill you. so you're the one leading the americans, i shoulda figured. so what's the scam? you get 'em out in the middle of the desert then leave 'em to rot? the girl saved my life, figured it was the least i could do, keep her out of trouble. let's make us even, shall we? sounds familiar. friend of yours? relax! i'm the map! it's all up here. c'mon, there's still one more of those guys around here somewhere. can you swim? trust me. the occasion calls for it. hey beni! looks to me like your on the wrong side of the river! we coulda had 'em for free, all we had to do was give 'em your sister. awfully. then again. yeah, disgusting. we're almost there. pretty sure. get ready. we're about to be shown the way. evelyn! slow down! slow down, evelyn! slow down! there's never mind. you boys owe me five hundred dollars. be nice. that thing saved my life. the things that get you excited. what are those mirrors for? you're welcome to my share of the spider webs. that is a neat trick. preparation for what? likewise. don't see your name on it,. pal. i've had worse. none taken. and you're sure you can find the secret compartment? lemme get this straight, they stuck a sharp, red hot poker up your nose, cut your brain into small pieces, then ripped it all out through your nostrils? yeah, that'd bring you back to life. why would they bury somebody in the ceiling? there's some sort of lock here. you say these thing's are made of granite with a steel interior? no kiddin', without a key, it'll take us a month to crack this thing, who was talking about what? seems the americans had a little misadventure of their own today, three of their diggers were killed. salt acid. pressurized salt acid. some sort of ancient booby-trap. you don't believe in curses, huh? i believe in being prepared. stay here! goin' somewhere? c'mon, friend. 'cause i look good doin, it. you alright? these men are a desert people. they value water, not gold. unlike your brother, miss, you i don't get. you're a whole new brew. something like that. okay, i get your father, i get your mother and i get your brother, but what are you doing here? and what is that? no you're not. not unless you call me rick. because that's my name. you don't? gee, yeah, you told me it was the best time you ever had. you dream about dead guys? tough break. is he supposed to look like that? and look at this. where's my gun? if he decides to wake up, hell yes! rat gizzards. they smell bad and taste worse, but that's the best the desert has to offer. are you saying somebody threw these things in with our guy, and they slowly ate him alive? must of got a little too frisky with the pharaoh's daughter. that bad huh? the ten plagues?. you mean all ten plagues. you sure you outta be playin, around with that? that's one of the plagues, right? the grasshopper plague! okay,. and what about frogs? damn-it! must be a trap door around here or somethin'. would you quit playin, around! let's get outta here already! whoa! ahhhhhhhh!! relax, i got him. are we talkin, about the same creature? the walking corpse? really big mouth? really bad breath? i told ya, i already got him! i thought you didn't believe in this stuff!? forget it, we're out the door down the hall and gone. oh yes we are. we?! what we?! you didn't read that book. i told you not to play around with that thing. how!? you heard the man, no mortal weapons can kill this guy. there goes that belief again. not me, i am outta here! yeah? so? is that my problem? look lady, i appreciate you saving my life and all, but when i signed on, i agreed to take you out there and bring you back, and i did, now were even, end of job, end of story, contract terminated. you can either tag along with me, or you can stay here and play around with mister maggot. beni ya little stinkweed, where did you slink off to? oh yeah,. sorry bout that. so who's this guy? oh, hey, how ya doin'? yeah, well, we all got our little problems today don't we? don't gimme that, you never had any scruples. see ya around, padre. i've heard it before, winston. blood. he's here. the guy! the priest! the mummy! evelyn!! evelyyyynn!!! we got problems. he's here! i saw him! that thing is here! pretty sure! we are in serious trouble. back off, creep. i just saw my fist vanish into some guy's head. i'm willin, to go on a little faith, here. try me. okay, let's cut to the chase. he's afraid of cats, what's that about? what about my buddy, beni? okay,. evelyn, you wait here, you two come with me. keep an eye on her. if you leave her door, i'll rip your spleen out. c'mon, jonathan. well, well, well. lemme guess, spring cleaning? where's your new friend? then you got no excuse for living. what the hell you doin, being buddies with this creep, beni? what's in it for you? immune from what? what are you looking for? lie, and i'll slit your throat. what does he want the book for? ya know, ever since i met you, my luck has been for crap. damn-it! that's two down and only two to go. get your hands off my girl, pal. nice lips. i figured you might be here, so i brought a friend. what?. oh yeah, that was just um, you know, figure a speech. jealous? you kiddin' me? did you see that guy's face? believe it, sister. that's what brought our buddy back to life. so your sayin', if we find the book made outta gold -- you think it'll send this guy back to hell? got what? what? don't tell me we gotta go back out there? you're gonna get yours, pal! c'mon! c'mon! let's go! let's go! sorry, fresh out. don't do it, evelyn. got guts, lady. evelyn! evelyn! we gotta get her back. you know where he's taking her? i know how to beat him to it. not a god-damned thing. you probably won't live through it. to save the damsel in distress, kill the bad guy and steal his treasure. okay, now what the hell does this horus guy look like? got it. from now on, don't touch anything. not a damn thing. keep your hands off the furniture, got it? who the hell are these guys? i never killed a priest before. well, okay then. oh come on, gimme a break here. this whole place is comin, alive! these guys just don't quit. that's the last one, we better get lucky. this just keeps gettin, better and better. do something, jonathan! kill it! okay pal, let's see how tough you are without your right arm. alright,. so he's left handed. c'mon! wouldn't say that.