are we having a talent show? i should have brought my tap shoes. assuming they had the discipline. i think i know these students, miss demetras. their attention span doesn't go past do-re-mi. maybe on a good day, i can get them to "fa." that i'd like to see. well, i've already planned out the whole term, and i can tell you right now, there's no room for this! besides, where you gonna find money for violins? c-c-c-c, d-d-d-d, e-e-e-e. no talking! miss cooper's students have phys ed on tuesdays. you must have read the schedule wrong. well, i can't solve this problem for you right now. i'm trying to teach. janet and i started this program because we knew how much you kids could benefit from it. you should know, however, that the violin is a difficult instrument. i'm tenured, roberta. why not? you're a sub. your position has never been permanent. who authorized this? well janet's not here today and i want these people out of here. turn that off, you hear me? you're disrupting school and i want them out of here -- now. get these people out of here or i'm calling the police.