roberta walks through a school yard filled with kids and parents picking them up. she sees naeem and crosses to him. lots of noise and chaos as kids run wild during lunch recess. janet rushes through the throngs while roberta tries to keep up. a group of kids stand together with their violins and chat. roberta exits the building and they greet her. she waves back, but she's clearly still upset by her interaction with lucy. she sees naeem and his mother and approaches them. lots of screaming and commotion as the kids crowd around a fight in progress. as we move through the crowd we see that nick's in a fight with another boy; nick's nose is bleeding and he has the boy in a headlock. two teachers run over to break it up. as roberta walks through the yard, she sees kids excitedly showing acceptance letters to their moms. roberta's dazed and in pain as she walks through the crowds of children, oblivious to kids calling her name and waving.