in a noisy music room with bad acoustics, roberta tries to take control of fifty kids, third through fifth-graders, who are in a state of manic excitement over the fifty violin cases on the floor. roberta rosins her bow, standing in front of ten kids -- third through fifth-grade -- who sit on the floor next to their violin cases. the kids are black and latino, with a couple of white faces. they're all talking and ignoring roberta except for naeem and guadalupe, a petite mexican girl with a long dark braid. nine children stand, violins under their right arms, bows hanging down from their right hands, and try to position their feet as roberta addresses them. the nine children hold their violins in position as roberta addresses them. guadalupe sits on a chair in the empty room, struggling to set up her violin. roberta enters, surprised to see her. the kids play "twinkle twinkle little star" and they sound awful. roberta looks disgusted as she leads them. roberta's screaming at the kids as they play "twinkle twinkle little star." roberta listens to the students play "go tell aunt rhody" -- badly. they finish and stare at her, afraid of her response. the kids play "allegro," roberta leading them. the beginners sit on the floor and rosin their bows. a few chat, but it's quieter than usual, except for ramon who is "blessing" kids with his violin bow. lots of chaos as a television news crew sets up. roberta tries futilely to get the beginners to pay attention to her. thirty-three excited kids from roberta's different classes chat, tune their violins, rosin their bows. the students include carlos, stephanie, amanda, kenny, rachel, simon, ramon, vanessa, and shandra. roberta enters the room, full of energy, and addresses them as she heads to the front.