watch it, you idiots! be careful with those! look, i know he's there, so quit lying to me!. then check under lana holden -- mrs. lana holden. fine. just tell lieutenant demetras that his wife called and -- ma! if i'm so beautiful and talented, why did charles leave me? you really think charles is a jerk? why didn't you say something? what am i gonna do? mama, he's gonna get tired of her -- you'll see. brian turner? i thought you moved away. oh! sorry. thank you. i heard you had a book published. i didn't read it but. my college professors said it was too late -- i hadn't had enough training to be a concert violinist. so i got a teaching degree instead. i think i am. it's just that. see, every time i'd get started somewhere, charles would be transferred. then i had my kids and took time off to raise them. and then when i decided to teach again, no one would hire me 'cause you can't count on a navy wife to stick around. i finally decided i'd start my own program -- charles gave me the money and i bought fifty violins from this little greek shop -- got started at a private school and then. she wasn't my "best" friend. she was a friend. charles is the last person you'd think would cheat on me -- he never broke a rule. i wake up one night -- it's like one in the morning -- and he's not in bed. i go outside and our neighbor -- this old greek guy -- is sitting out there, smoking a cigar, so i ask if he's seen my husband. "he's taking a walk with the other officer's wife," he says. "he takes a walk every night with the other officer's wife." god, these are cold. you sound like my mother. are you trying to be sexy or be my friend? great! where is it? well, not traditional teaching experience. i've been doing private lessons. it's not on there. i taught my sons. i'm sorry to interrupt, but i wanted you to meet my sons -- nick, lexi. roberta guaspari-demetras. if i could just show you something -- it'll only take a minute. i can. any child can learn the violin. i'll teach them to have discipline. they don't have to. if they can help, great -- but these kids will be committed. they'll practice on their own, they'll help each other in the classroom -- you're underestimating them. they can play as well as any other kids. you will. that's o.k. i'll worry about that later. thank you. you need violins? please do not open the cases, o.k.? look, can everyone just settle down and listen to me -- please? keep them closed! please. did you hear what i just said? put those down, please! don't do that! put the bows back in the cases -- right now! who's plucking? what have i been saying? put that away! back in the case! o.k. thank you. that's much better. i'll be dividing you into five classes, but for today -- o.k. -- that's it! you! stand up! you will be the first student who will not be in my violin class. out! i said out! who else would like to be kicked out of my class? are you raising your hand because you want to be kicked out? why? who told you that? what's your name? well, de sean -- you haven't given me a good enough reason, so you're staying. anyone else? see how easy it is? maybe in the spring, we could have a big concert for your families and for the whole school. what's your name? if you listen to me and do exactly what i say, you're gonna sound beautiful at the concert and you're gonna be so proud of yourselves. good, naeem. your hand's staying soft. but if you don't listen to me, you'll sound so bad that your own parents will feel sick when they hear you. they might even throw up. come in. what's this? i don't know, brian. i'm hanging on by a thread there. out of fifty kids, maybe six are listening to me. i really appreciate all you've done for us. and i promise -- this weekend i'll start looking for a place. no, we've put you out enough. you're supposed to be writing, not babysitting for us. i've started your book. it's very powerful. so what made you choose migrant workers for your next book? i mean, how do you know what to write about? what are you doing? you didn't even notice me! you had at least five different girlfriends. yes i am. legally. i do not! what does that have to do with anything? i don't know. charles filled out my absentee ballot. that roberta's not around anymore. i shouldn't. the boys -- i know, but. i'm still married. oh shit -- the boys. where are you going? what's in texas? today? how long will you be gone? what? i thought. i just thought you were gonna be around. and then last night -- no! of course not. it's just that. we just got here and we're barely. i don't even know where to buy groceries. congratulations. and what am i doing now? good. and what am i doing when i turn this little screw? everyone stop talking. right now! naeem? and what do we call this? de sean? what do we call this? why not? yes you were but you weren't paying attention! do you want people to think you're stupid? all right, naeem -- tell them. anyone remember what this is? lucy! do you like people snapping their fingers when you're talking? what is this called? excuse me -- sorry to interrupt -- i'm supposed to take kids out of miss cooper's classroom for my ten o'clock class -- there's nobody there. but you scheduled them for violin. i don't think so. so am i. honey, we don't have a puppy. how about your truck? i'll bet you're the only one in school with a truck from greece. well, he's still on his tour, so we'll just have to see but. it shouldn't be too much longer. no, honey. we're just staying at brian's house for a little while. good night, sweetie. now take the right foot and put it on a tile. good. now with the other foot take a tiny step forward and put it on a line. try to make a box with your feet -- lucy! would you like to leave the class right now? you should feel very strong -- so strong and balanced that if i wanted to knock you over i couldn't. you see? if you're standing strong, i can't even push you. de sean! james! quiet! does anyone know where naeem is? yes, i know he's not here -- that's why i'm asking. see how i pushed you? it means your feet aren't centered. can you bring over a chair? it's probably better for you to sit. where were you today, naeem? why not? what? they're gonna learn "twinkle twinkle little star"! that doesn't mean it's the way it should be. naeem's learning to play music -- and that makes him feel good about himself. why should it matter who wrote it? brian turner's room, please. excuse me. i'm here for the violin students. just a couple of minutes -- i'm sorry. but this is when they have violin class! i thought all the teachers agreed to this. well, can't you talk to them? so pretend you're driving a car and i'm the policeman and i say stop! thumb up, fingers straight up, flat palm. now you be policemen, but turn your hand and make it say stop to yourself. knock it off, de sean! if you kids can't take this seriously, i don't want you here. i'm teaching you a difficult instrument because i respect you and have faith that you can learn it. but none of that matters if you don't have respect for yourself. now turn your wrist so it's flat against the fingerboard, and that's how you'll set up your hand. guadalupe! you've got the violin in the wrong hand! how did that happen? hello? where are you? are you still with her? we've missed you so much, charles. the boys. they can't wait for you to come home. i know we'll have a lot to work out and it won't be easy right away, but we're gonna get through this, you know? we're a family and we belong together and -- what? but you said. you and lana. you said it was over. he wouldn't even talk about it! no explanations, no discussion. i never said that. you know what? i shouldn't have called you. this was a mistake. i'm moving back to my mom's. i don't fit in there -- i'm not making any progress with the kids. i don't know yet. i need to speak to you. it's important. guadalupe? what are you doing here? honey, your teacher's probably looking for you. the violin is hard for everyone. did you ever hear of itzhak perlman? he's one of the greatest violinists in the world, and he has problems with his legs too. he walks with two canes -- but he still makes the most beautiful music. he has to. no. but if he was, i'd tell him the same thing i'm telling you. you shouldn't quit something just because it's hard. standing strong doesn't only mean using your legs. you can stand strong on the inside too. know what i mean? oh. umm -- that's o.k. it's taken care of. yes. no. that is so beautiful! apparently. roberta demetras. i'm the -- is it my imagination, or does everyone hate me? what about alice crowley? and then there's dennis. how come you're being nice to me? if i'm here next year. i remember. and the fishing boats. well, that's something i've been wanting to talk to you about. daddy's not gonna live with us anymore. you and lexi will have special times when you stay with him, like at christmas. don't you want to talk about what i told you? it was the day of grandpa's birthday, and i was sad because he had died a few months back. so i packed a bag and got all ready -- i said, "it's my father's birthday, and the baby's gonna be born today." it was a happy day. of course he was. he's not leaving you, nick. he loves you and lexi very much. it's very hard to explain. sometimes things happen between grown-ups. and they just can't be together. slow bows! slow bows! don't squeeze! stop! everybody stop! how much did you practice this week? again? you told me you went to the hospital last week. lucy -- you sounded the worst of all. have you practiced? why not? you can't be in this class if you don't practice! oh. i'm sorry. is she o.k.? i'm really sorry, lucy. just do the best you can. hi, naeem. can i talk to your mom for a minute? look, i didn't come up here to rescue anybody. i'm a single mother and i needed a job. and i know you think you're protecting your son, but you're not. i mean, what if arthur ashe's mother had stopped him from playing tennis because it's a "white man's game"? the important thing is that when naeem plays music, his whole face lights up. you should see him. we all have to take turns cleaning up, o.k.? yeah, right. first finger on the e! three -- two -- one -- open! wrong string, becky! we've done this fourteen times! and look at your nails! you're supposed to cut them for violin class! o.k, everybody stop! it sounds horrible! i can't believe how bad it sounds! is this an important question, tanisha? what? you know, tanisha -- i don't think that's such an important question. o.k. let's try -- i'd love that. you'll have a lot of catching up to do. you think you can work that hard? maybe we can also arrange some private lessons at my house. that's o.k. why don't you go grab one of my spare violins? let's try it again. what are you playing? everyone stop! let me hear. did someone teach you that? that's really great, lucy. i'm proud of you. all of you -- try it. not all the time. but if they don't listen -- that wasn't exactly what i said -- i'm just trying to discipline them. if they're gonna learn an instrument, they need to take it seriously -- well, that was. that was pretty good. that wasn't too bad. i wouldn't put it that way. you all just need to practice a bit more. james, have you practiced this week? can you please try a little harder for next week? good. just do the best you can. like what? don't you want a nice teacher? oh. what about you, becky? well, then -- i take it back. you all stunk. but don't tell your parents i said so! honey, i told you. this is daddy's special time with you. who is it? o.k., enough goofing off -- back to work. i work in this neighborhood, mama. i want to live here. having my own place will make me feel like i'm really starting my life again. mama, please. just stop! don't worry, o.k.? besides, if things keep going well, i'm sure eventually brian will move in with us. brian's a good person, he's helped me a lot, he's great with the boys -- since he got back to town, it's been really sweet. two months. i don't get it -- you're ragging on me about buying the house -- i would think you'd want brian to live with me. get ready, now -- we're coming up to the fermata. hold. hold. don't anybody move. now at the spring concert, the audience is gonna be dying for that next note -- but we'll make them wait. as a matter of fact, i think i'll go grab a cup of coffee. well, o.k. but you have to promise you'll all start together. that's not a very nice thing to say about your classmates. how many people think they can get it right by the concert? i love you. did you just laugh? what? jesus, brian. do you still get away with that crap? it's not the sixties anymore. fine! we won't name it, we won't talk about it, we'll act like we have no feelings for each other whatsoever! forget it. i changed my mind. how's it coming, ernie? he needed a job. besides, he's wired all of east harlem. why is there wallpaper on it? sheetrock. look -- this house is taking every penny of my settlement. i can't afford fancy union workers! there won't be a next time -- i promise. janet, kids fight. you're making too much of this. keep playing, guys. you can watch when we're done. nick honey -- the kids are real nervous about the spring concert. you could probably give them some pointers. i said no. you seem to be the only one who can get nick to laugh these days. no -- i think nick really likes you. you know. we're all hoping you'll move into the new house with us. what's so bad about that? well, we don't. but if two people care about each other, they take a chance. i'm not talking about charles. i'm talking about us. what are you saying? if there's some need you have that i don't meet, you'd go and get it "met" by someone else? you didn't answer my question. if i don't meet all your needs, and we're in a committed relationship -- forget marriage for a minute; i'm just talking about a relationship -- would you go to someone else? in theory. he just can't, o.k.? brian's at his house tonight, and we're at ours. enough, nick. now why don't you and your brother practice while i make dinner. well do it anyway. stop whining, and get your violin. what the hell are you doing? i've heard just about enough from you, young man. now set your violin up properly and start practicing. you pick that violin up right now and don't you ever ever -- nick -- you don't have to take care of me. i'll take care of myself -- and i'll take care of you and lexi. i promise. that's not true. i begged him not to leave, but he didn't listen. your father met someone he liked more than mommy, and then -- lana. remember our friends lana and tom? no, but he's not coming back. to me. i'll take care of you, nick. you too, lexi. i promise. i'm not going anywhere. we're still a family. i promise. what color is this? i told you eggshell. you're right. i'm an idiot. wake up, ernie. you're fired. you're fired. you're fired. you're fired too. no, brian. i mean it. i need to be with a man who can make a commitment to me. i need that, and my sons need that. so can you? get out. stands in the aisle, leading the students and playing violin. i used to just teach fifty kids at this school. but now i teach a hundred and fifty kids at three east harlem schools and there's so many children who want to take violin classes that we have to have a lottery. after your parents sign your permission slips, i'm gonna put them in a sack, and i'll pick fifty names from each school. so everyone bring in your slips by friday, and i'll come back and tell you who's in violin class. i hope so too. hi rachel. be right with you. you're gonna practice upstairs? already? you've barely practiced. be careful. vibrato. don't wiggle your wrist. you almost have it. did i turn you into such a perfectionist? just as long as you get it right for your julliard audition. i've recommended you for a gifted kids scholarship. where's the bike? are we getting closer, lawrence? how? it took me six months to save up for it. yeah, right. lock the doors. no. get back in the car and stay with the boys. i'm a school teacher. henry has taken my son's bicycle and i want it back. well you tell henry that if he returns the bike, i won't have to notify the police -- or his school principal. although since i am a teacher, it would be very easy for me to do that. how late? i'll be on the steps of cpe 1 at 11 p.m. i'll be waiting for him. it's only five after eleven. shandra wilson. justin brady. vanessa klein. o.k. one more name. leonard hood. well, o.k. then. i'll pick someone else. ramon olivas. no. but i keep trying. and maybe someday the school will give me a parking space! god, these are great. thank you. can i. pay for you them? what's his name? of the guarneri string quartet? amanda, what did i tell you about wearing cowboy boots to violin class? they're too slippery! relax your two, simon. your stop sign has to be up, kenny! stephanie, it doesn't look like you ever had a lesson with me! where's your violin, carlos? what, is it walking here by itself? your buddies giving you a hard time? hey, you want your sister to carry your violin, that's fine. but is she practicing for you too? because lately, that's how it sounds. i'm not interested! just get here on time, and commit to this class or i don't want you in here, you understand? you're a good violinist, carlos -- and it's definitely not "cool" to waste your own talent. and? so when you take the violins home, tape your music to the wall directly in front of your nose so you can play with perfect posture. your parents are gonna be so excited to hear you play! more bow! to the frog! myesha, your stop sign line should be touching. don't let it wiggle! you're on the wrong string, justin! and look at your feet! where's your violin? goodbye! and you may be dropped. look at those nails, rosario! i see you over there, myesha. you're doing much better. ramon, i don't like that kind of talk. justin, pick up his stand, now! our spring concert is in three weeks and you might not be in it. is that what you want? mr. klein? i'm gonna have to drop vanessa from the class if she keeps forgetting her violin. oh. i'm sorry. vanessa, maybe you could write down for your mom and dad which days are violin days. what? well you know what? that's an easy problem to solve. now you have two, o.k.? one for each house. what happened? i know that you've all heard the bad news about justin. does anyone want to talk about it? i came by to check on ramon. didn't he tell you what happened at school? yeah, it did. i've been thinking about justin. remember how mad i got the last time i saw him? it wasn't always so easy to be nice to him, you know? heaven. justin didn't die because of what you said. i promise. i don't think you're that powerful, do you? i mean, if you had such powers, just imagine what kind of violin player you'd be by now! it's o.k. to cry, you know. my boys still cry and they're big, strong young men now. i bet justin's daddy cried. nick, lexi! get down here right now! this is humiliating! no. a lot of guys are interested in dating you and lexi. what did you say about me, anyway? oh, my god. don't you think it's a little weird that you're trying to get your mother a date? boys, look. number one -- even if i wanted to date, i don't have time. and number two -- i've got my teaching, i've got you guys -- that's all i need. i think you're flat, nick. the b sounded flat. no. i'm fine. honest? yeah, i did too. well, i have a confession -- my boys placed the ad behind my back. look, dan -- i went along with this 'cause it's been a while. quite a while. and i had a very nice time. but i'm not sure if i'm ready to get involved with anyone right now. why are you guys still up? good try, nick. well. he's nice. i don't know yet. we'll see. good night, nick. guys, i'm so sorry -- i got stuck over at cpe 2. what's going on? where are all your violins? what?! is it true? it's true? you're firing me? excessed. they specifically said that my violin program has to go. what about dennis' classes? when was this decided? i just. i can't even believe this is happening! there's gotta be a way to fight this! oh, i see. so after ten years, after fourteen hundred children have learned to play the violin, this is just an "extra program." then do something! sitting at the kitchen table with a glass of wine, her face ashen. i'm a good teacher. i've worked so hard to give these kids something to be proud of. it's like when my father got killed. for twenty years, he followed every safety rule the factory had, and then someone else flips the wrong switch. it's not fair. you do everything right and then. tell that to the board of education. i did not risk my life. no. not for that. when someone steals something that belongs to my kids, i'm not gonna sit back and let that happen! guys -- you need to think about this. if i try to fight this -- with no salary coming in -- i could lose the house, screw up your college plans. it would be a lot safer to just go out tomorrow and get a job in a private school. the beautiful concert that you just heard could be the last concert of the east harlem violin program. the board of education and the district superintendent don't think that music is important for our children. but they're wrong -- and they're in for a fight. someone's early. ma! mama, why don't you take allegra out for a walk? well, yes, but . well, no. i -- what i didn't expect was for you to be here. let's cut it now. it'll be less messy. it better be a good concert! we have to offer something more than me and the kids. do you think maybe your husband would perform with us? that would be fantastic. it better be a good concert. kids, listen to me -- it's really important that you don't look at the camera and you try to act as natural as possible. janet. why are you doing this? we're not bothering anyone. you still don't get it, do you? i don't care if you hate me, dennis -- that's your business. but think about the students for once. every time you interfere, you're not hurting me -- you're hurting them. go right ahead, call them. that'll look real good on the eleven o'clock news. i'm from a blue collar family, and if it weren't for the lessons i got in public school, i never would have learned the violin. yes, i've gotten offers from two private schools, but this is where i want to be. listen up, everyone! quiet down! you are my very best beginner and advanced violin students and i've chosen you to play in fiddlefest because i trust that you can handle the pressure. it's gonna be a lot of work -- a lot. right now, we've sold some tickets, but i'm not gonna be back here in the fall if the audience storms out of their seats, demanding a refund! rachel's gonna be my lieutenant and i expect you to listen to her. people are gonna be paying good money for this concert -- we're not just gonna play "twinkle." i'm passing out a contract that you and your parents need to sign. plus night time rehearsals during the week. there's only six weeks till the concert, so classes in school won't be enough. come to think of it, we'll probably also need to meet before school. you've heard of navy seal training? well, this is gonna be roberta string training. oh my god! naeem! de sean! guadalupe! lucy? is that you? kids, these are four of my very first violin students and i've asked them to play in the concert with us. i was just telling them how hard they're gonna have to work. frog! frog! i need more accents on the down beat! more bow! more! stop! stop! you sound horrible! isn't anyone practicing? you think this is funny, stephanie? you think the four hundred people who've bought tickets so far will think it's funny too? you think itzhak perlman will think it's funny that he's donating his time and you're all gonna stink? am i boring you, vanessa? there's no time to be tired. let's try it again. i must have been crazy to agree to this. they're never gonna be ready. and you should hear the bach double! a disaster. so the good news is tickets are selling like hot cakes, but the bad news is that the kids sound like shit. what?! until when? this can't happen! we've sold tickets! we've done publicity! the concert's in three weeks! just keep looking. stop! someone's playing the wrong notes! and you shouldn't need your music anymore! except for the bach double, everything has to be memorized by next rehearsal! and you sound like you're sleepwalking. your heart's not even in it. well, you're right. this might all be for nothing. so we can either keep on rehearsing in case we find a place -- or we can just. give up. what about in the bronx? we won't make enough money. itzhak and arnold are booked all summer. where? carnegie hall? oh my god -- isaac stern. thank you so much for helping us. you're kidding. yes, of course! that would be great! i just don't see how i'm gonna do this. it's huge. it's gigantic! it's carnegie hall! and listen to this: now isaac stern wants to play with us -- diane monroe, michael tree -- there's other people calling -- fantastic? i'll never get the kids up to speed in time, i'll never get myself up to speed. i'm gonna be playing side by side with the world's greatest violinists. yes, but. you don't understand. maybe there's a good reason why i never made it as a violinist -- maybe i just can't cut it. i keep blaming it on not having enough early training, but if i were talented, if i had a gift -- i'm scared. you've barely heard me play. if you're gonna imitate me, do it right. shoulders back. violin higher. check your feet. there. g'head, carlos. continue. he's right, by the way. you do sound terrible, and you are gonna make everyone in carnegie hall sick to their stomachs. i'll be right in. start on minuet one. what's wrong? what? where are you moving? has he been hurting you too? keep it. take it with you. what?! you can't give up violin, rachel -- it's a part of you. a very important part. please honey. just take it. no, no, no! accent the up bow after the slurred notes and then it'll get you off of those slurred notes! you double concerto kids need to be working harder! this is the grand finale of the concert! you're each gonna be sharing a music stand with one of the world's greatest violinists! i think we should forget the bach double. and you guys are never gonna get minuet one. i think we should drop that too. you think? nick -- did you feed allegra? lexi, can you make sure the charts are still in my bag? check again, please. and look for my repair kit too. nick? get two more violins. get three more. and make sure a couple of them are half-size. lexi -- can you call about the car again? just straightening a little. shit! can you believe this? it can't be time! is it time? thank you, mama. not just for that. thank you for getting me out of bed. charles?! thank you, charles. where's vanessa? has anyone seen vanessa? thank you. i am too. you called vanessa's father and mother? oh my god. nick, lexi -- it's terror. everyone -- attention please! i want you all to take a second just to breathe, o.k.? deep breath. i would like you all to play with your heart, all right? play like i know you can play. you'll be wonderful. watch me, don't look out in the audience -- you don't need to be afraid. it's gonna be really wonderful. so play -- play from here. we're all here tonight because we have a bigger mission: to take the magical spirit of tonight's concert with us out into the world, and to fight for music and art to be a part of every child's education. thank you. and this? what's this? did you ever see a frog with hair? that's right. but you're right, there is a frog. can you show me where it is? sssh -- let him answer.