is it ever embarrassing, having your bum kissed in public? i've adjusted, and thanks for asking. which is everyone you couldn't get in. this fellow from newsday ever call? needs salt. i don't send you men, anymore. you don't know what to do with them. weeks. who called? the man of the moment? the wandering sportswriter. i didn't know you two had a past. the look in your eye. kindred spirits. he's still in love with you. well, he has a true friend in you. whenever george tells someone how steadfast i am, he always makes me sound boring. i've lost interest. blood oath. you'll be 28 in three weeks. how old is he? desperate. to talk. then why are you compulsively eating? if you're not hysterical? we're about to find out. i have a suggestion. you can't get lung cancer and die in four days. go to plan b. no, he's ruining yours. you have a real philosophy of life. i can see why. you stole my line. chill. we don't want your face coming off with it. when i'm talking to children. i noticed. i'm on the noon back. we have this thing with george's family in the hamptons. you like her. go figure you. you've been working on this, huh? and you believe that. it's not his happiness you're feeling guilty about. impressive. the man you love. someday she'll thank you. jesus. you're supposed to take your make-up off before you apply the m. zit cream? neosporin? ben gay. elmer's glue? i give. considering the circumstances, i'm not wholly against suicide. just not by electrocution in front of me! i've got this noon flight. what do you suggest? i didn't mean about that. let's go meet michael. i'll wait downstairs. i suppose it's too late to start over. is she going to dress you every day? well, then, i'll take it up with her. the cut here, here. this line. trouser width, this is all classic. which means safe, something i'd wear. you should look like you dressed yourself. something like that. well, i'm close to her. i wanted to meet the one that got away. what? i honestly wish i could. two words. manicure. fly. part of being a new yorker. tell him you love him. with all your heart. tell him you've loved him for nine years, but you were afraid to realize it. tell him you're afraid of love. afraid of needing. to belong to someone. we all do, beautiful. i'm sorry about that. tell him you know this is the worst, dumbest, cruelest moment to do this to him. but there it is, and he has to choose. he'll choose kim. you'll stand by her at her wedding. you'll kiss him good-bye. and you'll go home. this is what you've come to do. now do it. digger and george are with family in the hamptons until monday morning. brevity is even more in order than usual. you have a good time? good girl. i was thinking. maybe you might visit us for awhile. we've got the room made up. oh, you're more than okay. I'll play those odds. You have sweet dreams.