mah gawd, it's the bride, and the woman she'll nevah live up to! have you sized up the groomsmen, jules? as m. of h., you get first fuck. don't pick the short, hairy, rich one. reverend dyer, this is kimberly's somewhat butch maid of honor. i know why you're scared of our party. it's too hip. i'm partial to the tight end. with those big, dark, haunted eyes. as if you were harborin' some. unspeakably. guilty. secret. the one you better get the fuck off your third finger left hand. look good on kimberly. oh the way out of the crab house? we asked michael if we could see the ring? an so it is. shut up, sugar, he's on his way. let's get to work. i saw this on hard copy. people cut off body parts and the hospital sew 'em back o. well, maybe it works on fingers, too. don't worry, baby. you could pick your nose with that finger and michael would never notice. he's a man. personally, i think mr. michael's marrying the wrong girl. wallace egregious residence, mandy speaking. oh, she's slipped out, the little monkey. prob'ly with michael, doin' the nasty. or crying in her nachos, down at comskey park. i had this crank call? from some guy who thinks he saw her? i said, what would a bride be doin', on her wedding.