god, it must be, what, months, huh? i can't wait to talk to you. i'm in chicago at the ritz carlton. call me four in the morning, whatever, we gotta talk. hey! god, it's so good to hear your voice. i've been calling for days! something so incredibly important, that if you turn me down, i don't know what i'll d. i think about that night all the time. but it's not why i called. i called because i met someone. you don't understand. i've never felt this way about anybody! and she's all wrong for me! i mean she's a junior at chicago university, she's twenty years old! like when i first met you. and her dad is like this billionaire who owns the white sox and some cable empire, and you know how i've always been miserably awkward around those kinda stuffed suits. but they're so down to earth, such wonderful people. see. we're getting married. this sunday. actually, it all starts tomorrow. it's one of those four-day weddings, with all the traditional events, and ten million people flying in from madagascar such. well, the sox are at home. si's letting me do a profile on the big hurt. that's frank. jules. i'm scared. i need you. if you can't come. and hold my hand. i'll never get through this. please come, please. i can't wait for you to meet her! we've seen each other a lot more naked than this. i mean, we were skinny-dipping in greece, just as pals, less than two years ago. mirrors. wow! lemme give you a ha. think of that. and as well as i know you. julianne potter, this is hank and gerry from si, and you know daniel. oh. this is my father-in-law, walter. how are you doing this? you're on drugs. and, this guy, you know. dance? you don't dance! you learn to dance?? you're an impostor! what have you done with my best friend? and how was the hot dog? cheap and unnecessary. we were looking anyway. see, that's what i thought at first. how can you like someone that perfect? no potential for long-range livability. luckily. the closer i watched, the more the fault came into focus. each imperfection its own adorable slice of vulnerability. she's too genuine. how can you trust someone you can never mistrust? no matter how many times i leave the toilet seat up, she forgets and puts it down. my very point. here's another one. every day. she makes the bed. at first, i thought it was a gag, but she's always done it! she admires. tommy lasorda. she finds him "personable." then again. she has a few good traits. first girl i ever knew. who lets me give her a bath. and when i hug her, even in public. i don't have to let go right away. she lets me hold her as long as i want. nice kid, don't you think? i tried those on. when you weren't looking. firenze. till the gas ran out. i travel every week. college ball, motor sports, training camps. because i could come. hey, cabs are expensive. i'm cheap, remember? the el's right down the street. unless you're afraid of the neighborhood. what, leaving school. she would never. never. even think of that. i got the point. that would be a girl. i don't even know. wow. what was going on in there? you're not eating. you never eat when you're despondent. last zoo we were in was. beijing, yeah? sure. the rhinos were fucking. yeah, they were. it's weird being the groom. all these things kimmy has to take care of. now, there's my girl. see, better already. we'll go back to the bathroom, you'll put this on. bet i am. hope that crazy person's not still there. sure you're okay? it's not just a gag, huh? i wish you'd just. come out with it. i mean why are we waiting for jules? wow and wow. you have a date, after this? you make me think of that song, we used to. someday. when i'm awfully low. okay, kid. you're on. he never mentioned that. neither did y. like family, huh? to him. and you knew about this. well, which is it? you gonna tell me daddy thought this one up? all of a sudden, i'm the only jerk alive who can help him deal with the press? why don't you start being honest for one fucking sec. well, forgive me for screwing up your plans! i'm sure glad i'm hearing all this now, before it's too late! and what am i supposed to do with my life, huh? i am 28 years old! i work in a low-paying, low-status, zero-respect job which, unfortunately, i happen to fucking love. how inconvenient. no problem. a little bullshit about daddy's "needs," and presto, i'm a lap dog in high society. does it, really? how come you never took some sell-out establishment job? you had plenty of chances! i'll tell you why. because that isn't you. and it isn't me, either! we're the same person! what a sweet little picture. mommy and daddy aren't losing a daughter, they're gaining a eunuch! damn straight, it's how i feel! what's their wedding gift, a little gold collar that says "mikey-poo"? or do i have to change my name to "binky"? great! tears! the big equalizer. you wait till two days before the wedding to drop this on me, and i'm just supposed to roll over and drool! fine. i'm an insensitive, chauvinist asshole, and you're well rid of m. you guys are heartless, my bride picked this out. yeah, it's in the contract. i should look different. and i'm supposed to respect your fashion tips, because you're what, a new yorker? long trip. pretty nice of you to come. i'm just glad someone finally put this thing in its proper perspective. stay, huh? i'll call george's parents. tell them i need a best man who actually looks after me. you don't miss much. big weddings are so strange. kim has all this stuff to do, i hardly see her. no. i've got you. don't you throw up on boat? i've been thinking a lot the last couple days. about us, actually. it's more than that. i mean, it's embarrassing to say it this way, but. you've sort of been. y'know, the woman in my life. and i was thinking this could be our last time. alone. together. you know? except for that. i can hardly wait for your wedding. boy, i never thought i'd hear you say that. can i come? it's normal to have. second thoughts, huh? to be scared. i mean, you commit to a wedding. and then it seems like. this. momentum, you know? you forget you. chose it. you and i. i mean, in all our relationships with other people. we didn't use the word "love" a lot, did we? kimmy says. when you love someone. you say it, you say it out loud. right now. or the moment. passes you by, yeah. she's a smart girl. we don't have a song. kimmy and i. we don't have a song. is that a bad sign? someday, when i'm awfully low. and the world is cold. i will feel a glow just thinking of you. and the way you look. tonight. dance card filled? with each word, your tenderness grows, tearing my fears apart. and that laugh that wrinkles your nose, touches my foolish heart. where did we first hear th. so we heard it. like, right that. that first. i won't lose you, will i? takes me back. except now you're better- looking. i got the ring. yeah, kim told me they were giving you their dueling scarlet's act. actually, they're sophomores at juilliard. will she like it? it's no big deal, she just gave you the wrong keys that's s. what is the big deal about getting this file tonight? me, too. i'm getting married tomorrow. i forgot how cute you look. when you get impossible. tomorrow is sunday. nobody's doing business. crack of dawn, monday, walter'll take you up there. give it up, kid. you can't win 'em all. listen up, huh? even if you blow this deal, how big could it be? jules? this thing means that much to y. i'll call the house, walter's probably not even asleep. i'll drive you out there, we'll get the key, we'll go back to the office. come on, we'll call from your room. if i fall asleep on the altar tomorrow. you better be there to. funny, these are all from ben. the fax is from ben, too. man, it's my wedding, and my boss can't leave me alone. mike. i can't believe i'm doing this to you on the night before your wedding. but i think you need and deserve to know. what you're marrying into. isabelle? i need to talk to kim. i'm just tired. please put her on? thanks. jules. could you give me a minute? please? it's over. i want you to quit this shit, it'll kill you. she denied it. said i was crazy and paranoid. there's this big brunch tomorrow morning? at her place. she said "how can i call everything off, what do i tell everybody?" no, it's for the best, it really is. we were so wrong for each other. the job thing would have broken us up, eventually, anyway. she couldn't have lived with it. i know that now. and she's right, i'm crazy to fall for someone. i hardly knew. hey. you still got that ring? i just want to be alone. is that okay? maybe i'll go back to new york. hang with you for awhile, huh? ben'll understand. or we'll go somewhere. if you have the time. thanks for coming to my wedding. look, i came down here to face everybody. i didn't want to slink away like some coward. she hasn't told anybody, what am i supposed to do? this is her family and her fault. well. how come she didn't. hey. this is a serious matter. how is she? i asked you. do you think she still loves me? i keep asking, how can i explain what happened? and i keep getting that same answer all night long. i can't. and it doesn't matter. i drove her to it, because i want things my way. and even if she did something tricky and unfair. she was blinded by love, okay? love doesn't have to be right. it just has to be love. she's giving up half her life for me, and i'm bitching because it hurts her. she's a saint! and i'm a worthless ingrate! tell her. i'll marry her at six o'clock, if she'll still have me. thank god you were here. i was so confused, so conflicted, so. unstable. i might have thrown away. yeah, that. are you okay? nellie fox. walter likes the past. and he likes the little guys. kimmy's idea. she thought it would be such a romantic place. for our wedding dance. what's up? jules, what's wrong. uh. i saw that moving. you're not saying you actually. you're saying that y. are you crazy? are you absolutely insane?? are you on drugs??? i mean, do you realize what you've. well, of course you realize, that's why you're confessing, i mean. i mean. how could you do that? lower. the pus that infects the mucous that cruds up the fungus. on the other hand, thank you. for loving me that much, that way. well, that part i knew. i'll take it to my grave. i came here, looking for her. this is where i proposed. i had to cover a game in milwaukee. she saw me off. and when the train started to leave. i jumped up on the step, i help the handle, and without. without a thought in my head. i shouted, "marry me." and she gasped, and covered her mouth, and the train was pulling out, and suddenly she screamed yes! just once. and blew me a kiss. i never forgot that. almost three. i just wonder if you know why. it's because romance isn't mystery, and tricks, and doubts, and halting, unspoken longings. that's not the real romance. the real romance is saying yes. woulda been a nice wedding. i'm just thinking of how she's hurting. lost. alone. like her life is over. if you find her. the kiss. may be hard. for you to explain. because the only fear she really has, is. but if you do get to her first. there is something you are authorized to say. why do people get married anymore? why not live together amicably, with no sense of obligation beyond the moment? as long as the sex is good. as long as no one more interesting has wandered into view. as long as the thousand conflicts of two individual wills remain comfortably compromised. and when one feels the urge to move on, to explore the new. no guilt, no disgrace, no promise broken. no agony of having dishonored a time. when our hearts. and the world were different. marriage is a lot to put up with. the answer must be. that there is some need basic to the human heart. that embracing. the obligation of commitment. fulfills. some need to belong to one another in a way which rages against the notion. that all is impermanent. against the notion of mortality. our love is bigger. and longer. than life itself. that's what we want. and marriage. is what we do about it. we are fools in this. thank god almighty. kimberly. i promise to love. and respect and comfort you. to hear your voice and your heart. until we are parted by death. i do. wherever i go. however far.