billy dyer, julianne. and i love the suit. michael and kimmy wrote these words. she asked me to confide, mostly michael. so he gets to say them. boy, that was good! michael and kim also edited what they want me to say. the idea was, we're only marrying once. we have to remember it forever. let's keep to the good stuff. you may kiss the bride. if anyone here can show just cause why this man and woman should not be married, speak now. or forever hold your peace. for the record, you each agree to marry the other? we haven't said much about god this evening, i know. but he is here. and he is happy. to bless his wonderful children. in that michael and kimberly have given themselves to each other by solemn vows, and the exchanging of rings. i pronounce them husband and wife. those whom god has joined together, let no one put asunder. now. kiss the bride.