if he gives you grief, i'll have him skillfully beaten, where the wounds won't show. under the circumstances. charmed to know you, jules. your idea? you're a woman of insight. my wife and i love this marriage, and deplore its circumstances. as you guessed, my daughter is unhappy about giving up her life. and, in my opinion, cowardly in avoiding the necessary confrontation. mike has a world of ability. i'd do anything to have him in my company. except ask him. he'd resent it. and me. and, most important, kim. he's a great kid, but he's still a kid. instead of recognizing that his resistance comes from insecurity, he'd turn it to anger. to protect himself. from realizing that he's ignoring my daughter's needs, despite how very much he loves her. they both have some growing up to do. but they're good people, they're starting with love. they've got time. and that interests me. how someone who knows him so well could be so wrong. i hope so. this is all too mysterious to waste on just me. julianne, reading my son-in-law's mail, is not something. matter of fact, that's how i got married. i know ben. it doesn't say th. and you think he's kept this to himself. this fax could mean. any number of things. maybe. i should call ben. mike. i hate this downsizing. and kimmy doesn't know. i'll tell her i've reconsidered. you're a smart girl, jules. wish my daughter. bad your guts. i thought michael was picking me up. kim said, when he turned down the job, there was no friction. i haven't caused. a problem, have i? well, you're a little early. off to rehearsal. send out this, and this, not this, this, and. that's it. i'm holding four or five e-mails i wrote over lunch. send 'em out. left foot.