i don't think so. i can't, i have to go home. hey look at this, no feet! so, what'd he say was wrong with you? hey wait up for me! at what? i don't wanna talk to a teacher, it's summer! i haven't started yet. wanna go to gray's orchard and pick some peaches? why? it's not dinner time yet. yeah anyway. i'm allergic to it. it doesn't work, it always stays black. she's crazy, she wants to go to school over the summer. she only wants to do it because her sweetie pie's the teacher. wow, this is the coolest thing, like you really eat and sleep here? i'm gonna drive us to liverpool. yes please. what are you reading? eeeeuuuww, gross. mine aren't divorced. hey, where are all the cookies?? what are you saving for? i'm supposed to be home at noon for lunch, thanks shelly. nothing's biting today. i'm gonna be an acrobat when i grow up. oh no! i'm trying. i don't like touching fish, how do you pull the hook out without touching it? yeah he got away. come on let's go. naah, i don't wanna. it's a mosquito bite. if i do it, can we go? okay, ow! your lip bleeding? what's wrong with your eyes? where's your bike? hey look at this! no, i don't wanna. what? hey, where does it say that? is that your dad? who's that with your dad? do you remember her? what do you think it's like? heaven. but, what if you're afraid to ride horses? that doesn't sound so bad, come on, we'll never find that streamer. vada? vada?? where are you?? don't do that!! what do you want? my mom will skin me alive if she finds i'm out here. i told you i'll get in trouble. i am not. i stopped that! they're not gonna let us in vada, we're kids. watch bingo? i don't even like to play bingo. hey there's your dad and shelly. can we go yet? you know i'm not allowed outside my myself after dark. cool, can i get one for vada? cause she's dying. no. cause she gets scared of all those dead people in her house, and you know that saying, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em, well if she's one of them, she won't be as scared. she's my best friend. hey vada, guess what we got? this!! woah!! pointing there's a beehive right there! stand back. you're right, let's knock it down. for their meat. got it! they're alive!! run for your life!!! run faster they're after us!! hurry!!! but i have my clothes on! hi vada. sure. yes. it's made. come on, let's go. bye ma. where you running to? i wanna live with them too. really? that's it. i'm tired of running away. besides, we past this place two times already. we're not getting nowhere. why are you running away? wow, was it a decoder ring? they're getting married? so now you'll have a mother. i do, she's real funny. i'm hungry, i can't last any longer. i have to anyway, my mom will be worried. you can come to my house for dinner? okay, seeya. hi vada, can you come out? please, it's real hot, maybe we can go swimming? well when you get older, you just have to. you can't marry a teacher, it's against the law. yes it is, cause then he'll give you all a's and it won't be fair. like they do on tv? no. but, i don't know how. like this? but then i won't be able to see anything. okay, okay. umm, ummmmm on political agents to the flag of the united states of america, you better not either. okay. okay, seeya. vada? would you think of me? well if you don't get to marry mr. bixler. yes! ow, ahh, no!, get away!!!