are you sure you got my bag in? i'm sorry, i'm a little nervous. it's my first time in new york. just a minute. i want to go to 526 east 5th. that's in the east village. my daughter said it would cost thirty dollars. i came to new york to visit my youngest daughter. she would have come to the airport to meet me - she wanted to - but . but, she just started a new job and, well, i guess no one drives here. uh, yes. my husband passed away recently and the children thought i should take a trip. i'm from south dakota. where are you from? ohhh. do you know the east village? you mean it's dangerous? pardon me, mischa. is this 526 east 5th street? this way? i see. how much? forty-five? i thought it was only supposed to be thirty? maybe some other time. well, once you're inside, it's nice. well, when i walked up the block, i . well, my word! i wanted to ask you something. those motorcycles across the street ? what are they all doing there? the motorcycle gang? don't they deal drugs and rape young girls? would you look at those strawberries. they made the best jam. here are some more pictures of the farm. crops were unbelievable this year. plenty of rain. your dad would have been happy with that. i just can't seem to focus on anything these days. how are you doing sweetheart? dating anyone? what about the fellow in those pictures? you know . . whoops! well, they were right out in plain view. but i was dusting. he seemed quite taken with you. you know, you never tell me anything. excuse me. could you please turn your motorcycles off? they're so loud, i can't sleep. oh, no. my daughter lives here and i'm her mother and i've lost my keys. hello? hello? yes, is paula there? . could you leave her a message, please? tell her it's urgent. her mother has lost her keys and is stranded on the street with the satan's disciples . when she comes back, would you tell her to come home as quickly as she can? . thank you. oh, please, don't hurt me. oh, let me get out of your way then. have a nice day. who is it? she's at work. i'm her mother. oh. you need a cappuccino. men . they're all the same. our pastor in sioux falls was caught with his wife's sister. oh, it was such a big scandal. poor man had to leave town. and i hear that other women came forward. you know, you ought to come out to south dakota some time and meet my son, steve. he's single. he's an organic farmer. i wonder what they do in there? don't they frighten you? they all look so . excuse me, sir. i just wanted to thank you for helping me get into my building yesterday. my daughter lives across the street from you people and she tells me that you keep this area safe. is that true? and you don't deal drugs? i'm just concerned about my daughter. what about yesterday? kicking that poor boy? well, i'd love to see inside your club. well, if you're not holding a meeting or anything. marian. you know, this isn't so bad. it looks like our kids' rooms when they were growing up. could use some cleaning. well, i'd better be going. it was nice meeting all of you. well, there is one thing. at night, your motorcycles are so darn loud, i'm not getting much sleep. now, i'm going home in a few days, so . could i ask you to keep them quiet? thank you. oh, it's so nice to meet you. i met the satan's disciples today. my daughter lives right across the street from the satan's disciples' clubhouse, and i was so worried about her . so, i went over and introduced myself. and they were the nicest people. i had a wonderful time. and they were so friendly those young men. though i do think they should shave their beards and . and get some nicer clothes. what do you say . we take a subway uptown and see a play tonight? what's wrong? oh, that has nothing to do with it. if it's about the bikers, dear, i don't want to talk about it. oh, i hope so, dear. aaron? i'm sorry. mm hmm. oh, i don't want to be in the way. you've got your career and everything. dear, i was thinking. why don't we go to paris next year? i've never been. your father, god bless him, wasn't much for traveling. at my age, i'm going to take any pill that makes me feel better. i can make my own decisions. mm hmm. goodbye, sweetheart.