twenty years ago i was a lost soul. loveless. fatherless. a. psycho! oh! how could i have done it? the murder. the mayhem. all of those lovely young girls! i'm sorry! i'm so so sorry! but my deeds have been done, and my youth is gone, and we can only go forward in this cruel world. and if i have learned anything from my wretched life it is that. when you walk through a storm, keep your head held high. and don't be afraid of the dark. boom. those gas leaks can be murder. i'm home. i hope you enjoy these cigars. i had to kill a dozen cubans to get them. have you considered my offer? i got it. i knew you'd cone. i left that skylight open for you. i knew you'd know. but did you know i knew you'd know i'd know? really? i guess you know just about everything, don't you, lance? except for one little thing. that i've hot wired the city's entire power supply through that catwalk. well, don, i've done some terrible things in my life, but now i'm cured, and i just want to give back something to my old home town. that's why i'm using what's left of my fortune to build. the frankenstein center for the arts. oh yes. everything's going exactly as we planned. it must have slipped my mind. don't worry, pootchkie. my womanizing days are over. you're my lady macbeth, my imelda. my nicole. we're such an incredible team. who could possibly stop us? hi there. superheroes. why bother? nice car. captain who? that boy's got talent. honey, our ship's come in. wait. i'll be right there. head hunting. going my way? take it easy--take it easy. i just want to have a little chat. that was quite a number you did on my car. you've got a lot of violence in you. and i like that in a guy. you know what the difference is between good and evil, roy? evil is more fun. when you want something, you just take it, and if somebody gets in your way, you kill them. you seem like a very frustrated guy, roy. unhappy. unfulfilled. what is it that you've always wanted, always desired? because whatever it is, i can give it to you. fame? easy. fortune? even easier. women? the easiest of all. i'll let you in on a little secret, roy. in two days this entire city will belong to me, and there's not a damn thing your little pals can do about it. it's the perfect time to switch teams. so what do you say? they always call the great ones nuts. are you with me. or against me? too bad. plug him! wait! you're dead. excuse me. monica. beautiful name. it suits you. i hope you won't take this the wrong way, but i couldn't help but notice. that you're a dead ringer for veronica lake in "the blue dahlia". are you an actress? you underestimate yourself. you know i'm writing a play--it's just a little broadway thing, but thure's a part in it that i think you'd be perfect for. i'd love to hear you read it. could you stick around after the luncheon? terrific. what are you three doing here? this is invited guests only. out. thank you all for coming. i hope you enjoy the cigars. i had to kill a dozen cubans to get them. twenty years ago, this town was yours! and i was your king! but they called me a psycho, and they put me away. for twenty years i rotted in my cell, painting watercolors, writing haikus--just waiting for the day i could take my revenge. well, brothers, that day has come! they thought i was crazy? well the joke's on them--because tonight at precisely midnight--on the twentieth anniversary of my tragic arrest-- every man, woman, and child in this city is going to turn into a raving psycsotic! mothers will murder their tots! old ladies will strangle their cats! children will bump off their babysitters! i beg your pardon? tell you what, ice. i'll mke you a friendly little wager. it i can't do it. you can blow my brains out. if i can, i'll blow out yours. honey, give the boys a taste. tonight, at midnight, that sound will be amplified across this entire city. murder and mayhem will reign supreme! and champion city will be ours again! this will be our castle! and i will be our king! and there's no one to stop us! don't worry, fellas. i killed him. and i've had him stuffed. i thought you'd chickened out on me. why not? big, isn't it? don't worry. it's not activated. me. this is where i come to. be alone. come here. then why are you here? remember the cat. fantasizing. about you. i thought you were done? i'll be down in a jiffy. you're a spy. i saw him walk you home. roy. don't be afraid. i never hit a lady. or you'll what? can me? that bitch! nobody home? i want her alive. fellas, this is woman without whom i would have gone sane. it's showtime. by whom? well kill them. thanks, roy! she's just my type. you can have her back. when i'm done! some girls just know how to die. darling, you've got the wrong idea. i was only strangling her. i've killed hundreds of women. it doesn't mean a thing. pootchkie, you're over-reacting. this is our night. it's what we've lied for. cheated for. murdered for. she's just a plaything, a trifle. you're the only woman who's ever meant anything to me. i adore you. i worship you. i want to make you my bride. there's just one thing. i don't need you anymore. don't worry, darling. i never hit a lady. and the light goes out. roy. what took you so long? let me guess. bullets don't hurt you. smarts, doesn't it?. shall we dance? roy, you're making this too easy. let's change the tune. what a rush!