we are superheroes! over your dead body. is that all you got? your mother! what a jerk--and like nobody knows who he really is! look! he's lance hunt! just take off the glasses-- and it's him! a vague similarity? it's the same guy! we need a break, that's all! nobody'd ever heard of him until he busted casanova frankenstein! why do they always fill stuff these things so full you can't pull 'em out without ripping 'em! so why don't you just tell her! why not? we had an off night, that's all. nah. what does it matter? women just want to control you--and talk about their feelings. they want to know why you're angry all the time--and what can they can do to help--so you tell them there's nothing--nothing--just leave me alone--but they bug you and they bug you and they bug you--until you just can't stand it anymore!--so you finally open up--you pop like a blister--and it all comes spewing out--all your emotions--your feelings--your fears--all of it! and then they dump you. who's chicken? doesn't it piss you off the way the when you really want to talk to somebody you can't think of anything to say! only when i'm awake. you busy after work? want to go out and get drunk? or talk? like what? cutting off my own ear? see ya tomorrow. amazing? what's so amazing about him? i'd be amazing, too, if i'd inherited two hundred million bucks. or two bucks. or two cents. who am i kidding? dreams don't come true. where's he going? sally, that's a herkimer battle jitney! they don't make 'em like that anymore. it's a classic! i saw him go in--and he didn't come out! no he hasn't. let's go. the who? well they've crawled back out. don't you guys get it? if captain amazing is still in there, we can rescue him--and get on tv! wait. i hear something. shhh. come on. are you serious? this is the break we've been waiting for! what have the famous superheroes got that we don't? archenemies! casanova isn't just a criminal-- he's a supervillain. stopping him could be our ticket to fame, fortune--and babes! yeah yeah--and that, too. then maybe it's time for us to form our own brotherhood. i say we send out the word--and summon all of the unsung superheroes we know! well. there's the spleen. have you ever seen him? good point. sounds good. you sure that's how you spell it? so, let me get this straight. you have the power to become invisible. if someone looks at you, you immediately become visible again. so how do you know that you've ever been invisible? look, kid, we've got a lot of heroes to interview-- but we know they're out there. hundreds--maybe thousands of lonely, unknown superheroes, who desperately need a cause. who are we kidding? no one's gonna show. we're living in a fantasy! good or evil, what's the difference? i used to believe that. now i'm not so sure. oh shut up. if you're a superhero, what's your power? can you fly? wanna bet? hey. can i buy you a beer? you know something? those guys are really starting to piss me off! so what? half a dirty dozen! to hell with a name. let's get to work. let's say hello. what did you do with captain amazing? 'scuse me! shall i check your oil? looks fine. nice car! anybody up for a little white castle? disco sucks. you're the sphinx. so what else has superman got? let's get out of here. doc, you're a genius! okay! we got the firepower! i say we throw it into the car, drive over to casanova's house, and kick some ass! but now casanova's back! and we're gonna sit around here all night eating pizza and telling stories! hey, lets toast some marshmellows! and a skunk stinks! when are you going to take off that mask? go dance with your mother, jeffrey! my heart died a long time ago. blow it out your bean hole, pancho!. and to hell with the rest of you!. look at you. bunch of rejects. i didn't need you before-- and i don't need you now! the great ones ride alone! adios, muchachos! hi. every night. monica. i was wondering if--uh-maybe we--i mean you and i--could-uh--you know--get a--i mean have a. yeah. sure. why? it is? i wouldn't mind being famous. nothing wrong with being a waitress. roy. it's home. what have they got that we ain't got? me, too. i just want to be a superhero. you're nuts. and the nuts always call themselves great. against. thanks for reminding me which team i'm on. so are you! i was wrong. i need my friends. casanova said that in two days the entire city would belong to him. and there wasn't a thing that we could do about it. i dunno. we just become like the wolf. who wears the sheep's clothing. he hasn't stolen it yet. because thats what it is. come on. hey. it's me. it works. we know what we gotta do. maybe. but this isn't about living or dying. it's about good versus evil, and we're good, whether we like it or not. maybe we look a little funny. and smell a little funny. we're not bulletproof and we can't fly. but we're superheroes--and that means doing what's right- -even when it's impossible. this is our city- -these are our friends, our famlies--and if we don't save them, nobody will! so i say we take a ride up that hill, blast our way in there, destroy that psycho-whatchamabob-- and teach those deviants a lesson they'll never forget! we'll just have to get lucky. go do what you gotta do. we'll meet back here at sunset. do or die. try it again! come on, baby. come on, baby. i said come on! hello? monica, where are you? are you nuts? get out of there! what are you talking about? he's a psycho! he'll kill you! and what if you get killed? what? monica! sure. listen. he's lonely. and he doesn't care who knows it. we're all the same really. our songs, our dreams, our seeds are all just a brave attempt to live forever. has monica called? but i just don't feel it. normal. what's normal? does normal exist? and if it did, how would we know it? you know, eddie, that was really uncalled for. okay, you win. i'm pissed off. i'm seriously peeved. this music is just so beautiful! but she still might call! i'll drive. cover me! monica! they hurt. but they don't stop me! is. that. all you got? nice dancing with you. monica. it doesn't matter what we call ourselves. we know who we are. amigos, duty calls.