not so fast, gentlemen--and i use the term loosely. unhand that youngster. and there's plenty more where that came from. nice work, captain. wait a minute, officers. you don't understand-- we're superheroes, and we just busted up this gang. he doesn't miss a trick, does he? there's a vague similarity. we take the licks and he gets the chicks. but look at him. and look at us. i lost another fork tonight. she's getting suspicious, i know it. i can't. because i can't! okay? she wouldn't understand! you're. new. we're superheroes. not yet. we prefer to think of ourselves as unsung. i am the blue raja, master of silverware. and these are my associatiates, the shoveler. and mister furious. his anger is his power. usually a superpower is a magical endowment or a great skill. in his case, it's entirely emotional. burgers all around. medium. rare. (meaning furious} raw. she likes you. ask her out. roy, when was the last time you had an actual date? so you're chicken? maybe you should try a more romantic approach. or flowers. oh hi, mom. looking for. the tv guide. of course. i'm such a fool. thanks, mummy. go to bed. easy for you to say. but we don't know for sure it's the same guy. wait!. look! this is bad. the disco boys. the most vicious gang of thugs this city ever produced. twenty years ago they were casanova's personal bodyguard. but after he was busted they crawled into the woodwork. this looks like a job for superman-- or both. don't crunch the leaves. be a mohican. i'm soaked. oh great. shut up. uh-oh. oh i'm sorry. we must have the wrong house. ow. maybe she's right. agents? but there's only three of us, and he's got the entire brotherhood of evil at his disposal. yeah, but. who do we know? do we have to? and there's the sphinx. he's a legendary masked mexican crime fighting superwrestler and master of the machete. no one's sure that he actually exists, but they say he can be contacted by leaving a message on a crumpled up napkin at the tacky taco down by the bus station. but. only when no one is looking. so you're only invisible. to yourself? so you're only invisible, when abuolutely no one is looking at you? and a social life. maybe there was traffic. roy, remember, it is all within your power. the only thing that's in your way. is you. this is it. come on in! i am the blue raja, master of silverware. would you mind filling out these forms; names, addresses, description of superpowers, that sort of thing. actually we lied about the babes, but there's plenty of burgers. who are you? and you can't count horst buckholtz anyway. but they all had one thing we haven't got. a name. all the great superhero teams have got a fabulous name. the inscrutable six? the eradicators! whatever our name is. i can't. i'm her only son, and she always had such high hopes for me. medicine. law. the cape. the turban. she wouldn't understand. but in fact. you'd found it. me, too. firepower costs money. are you sure he's still alive? but, doc. where's the machine guns? twenty years ago all the major hoodlums of this city were united into one great brotherhood of evil, and casanova was their king. he busted casanova and sent the crooks packing. roy-- but how do we get in? so where's the art? what's that? oh my god. every crook in the city is here. the bone heads from the south side. the bland boys from downtown. italian ice. the stapler. that was too close. no one will believe us. we're outnumbered twenty to one. let's do it. but that place is huge and we don't know where this psycho thing is-- mother. it's not what you think! because. i'm a superhero! oh, mother, i'm sorry. i know how much you wanted me to be a doctor or a lawyer with a family--but it's just not who i am! i use it. to fight evil. it is? you did? bitchin'. oh no. he's turned into a completely normal person! if this doesn't do it, nothing will! with or without him, we gotta go! may the forks be with us! first is good. through there! not bad for a normal guy! no problem. mama! i'm home. heck no. i just chuck 'em. wait a minute. that's it. that's our name. we're. the mystery men. yes, obie-wan. "until you need me again. adios."