or you're mulch. oh don't start that again-- 0h, who gives a damn who he is? i can't take this anymore. night after night we're on the streets, busting our humps--and for what? how long do you have to chase a dream before you realize it's not gonna happen? the camera loves him. leave him alone. she's his mother, not yours. so when are we gonna have an on night? hi. definitely. hey, when are you guys gonna clean this place up? hey, look. who are they? we may be getting in over our heads here. or batman-- sorry. be a mohican. what are you talking about? and it would be the right thing to do. i'm liking this. i got this cousin. he's a real doofus, but he claims he can become invisible. how could i see him if he's invisible? the who? get outta here. yeah. hey, why don't you just put a cork in it? there's just not enough of us. yeah, but how do we get to them? there's a big difference. the bowler? i remember him from when i was a kid. he was killed years ago. look, honey, being a superhero. it's a guy thing. so who killed him? but there's still only six of us. the exterminators! to us! even his snores smell bad. but he plays golf, right? this is your dream. and you can't ever give it up. we don't want to know. he's got the fact that he's superman! we didn't think this through very well. are you sure he's still lives here? when was that? the bazookas? crime was rampant. it wasn't safe to stay in your home. then captain amazing appeared. and this has been a pretty nice place to live ever since. maybe it's time we checked that place out. this place is built like a fortress. but we gotta find out what's going on in there. this kopov, what happened to him? how? it's suicide. and we'll take a bunch of 'em with us! and some sandwiches-- baby, if i don't make it. find yourself. a normal guy. great timing! get mad! your spiderman pez dispenser! it's time. are you coming or not? not a chance! here we go! we've got lift off! hang on! come on, baby! atta, girl! where am i going? right. no good! she's dead! with what? doc, there's got to be a way. kid, turn that thing off! this is it! do or die! i'm okay--i'm all right. okay. thanks, roland. and that's when the engine blew up. well. well we can't call ourselves the mystery people. i miss him already.