and you are a fool. you call yourselves superheroes? a rooster fights more intelligently than you! you have shown yourself to your enemy and revealed your powers to him--and what have you accouplished for this? you have destroyed his car. brilliant! if you want to survive you must fight like a wolf pack--not like a six pack! the wolf is cunning. he knows that stealth is his greatest weapon, and he always fights as a team. casanova frankenstein is a a master of evil. you will need more than shovels and dessert forks to stop him. what else have you got? doctor, we need your weapons. no. we are not yet ready. now we must learn to fight together. as one thing. the wise snake coils before he strikes. you drink too much. when i am sure i am among friends. your rage is a very great power, but it blinds you to your heart. it is not dead. it is hiding. amigo. now you're talking. victoria o morte. he is in love. his anger is gone. amigo, we need you. amigos!