boy i can't tell you how thrilled i was when you guys called--you gonna eat that pickle? i've always dreamed of being a member of the a real superhero team--and to have friends--real friends--i mean guys i could live with--sleep with--die with--eat with. i love mustard. well, when i was a kid i grew up on love canal- -remember that?--and my brothers and i used to go swimming in it--make kool-aid out of it-- stuff like that. anyway my brothers all died, but i lived, and i grew all these like weird organs that have never been seen in humans before. so now i can do things like this! cool, huh? sorry, sorry. i tried that once. the cork melted. obscene phone calls? come on in! the water's great! hey, these pool mints are delicious! twice the three stooges! girlfriends? the six pistols? wait--i got it!. the spleen team. adolescence was the worst--the other kids made fun of me, so i'd spit on them and they'd scatter--i've never had a girlfriend--unless you count that night with my cousin--she recovered fully though--we exchange cards every christmas--well, i send her one, and she sends it back. bug repellent? kid! pinch 'em. maybe it won't work. with mustard! look! your favorite sunglasses! mystery, mystery man. i want to be a mystery man.