ummm. you know, mr. f, me and the boys always loved workin' for you. you had such style: the clothes, the dancin', the elegant way you'd snuff a babe. you were the king. but times have changed, and you been in that bug house a long tine. i can see you still got the style, but i dunno for sure you still got the edge. what about captain amazing? you sure do. should i kill them? little old lady. that's a hundred points! he knows your every move. not these guys again! hey, in the backseat, who are you supposed to be, the bowler? his daughter? well guess what, sweetheart? i'm the one who squished your daddy. and he squished real good! hey! and i'm gonna nip it in the bud. there. hi, cutie. six losers. six bullets. perfect. got any last words, angry boy? disco sucks. very good. you know what i'm gonna do, angry boy, since you're so colorful? i'm gonna save you for last. sweet dreams, punk. get him! what? let's get outta here! what's that? they'll never get through those doors. spam in a can! we'll take care of these clowns. let's rush 'em! say hello to daddy for me!