not too long. but she keeps passing out. i don't care. i pay you people twenty-five bucks an hour and keep you working steady. now either go on or turn around. but move. anything you say. doctor says you'll have to go on out now she's going to rest now. i appreciate your concern, but she has to rest, so you can go on home. what do you really want? you bet. she has to be at the opera tomorrow night and then she can go home. it's not the money. the friends and neighbors love her and they want to see her. we got a debt to the public. let's go -- we've heard enough. come on. wake up. you'll sleep the day away. i called connie and she said not to worry, she'll fill in for you. where'd you get the cake? what's wrong honey. don't feel that way, honey. well, i have to go thank her for filling in and it's nice to know the tune she sang. go to the king of the road and thank her. what the hell is wrong with you? huh? wait a minute. you're not going nutsey on me, are you? huh? you're not going to have one of those nervous breakdowns or anything, are you? i'll just take these on over to her. show her your appreciation. i'll tell her thank you, for you. what? bye. bye. i know that and don't you worry, i'm going to get her right into bed. i have this release form signed by the floor doctor. yes. she's fine. well, you did and she's fine. thanks. i have a nurse waiting for her in the bus. somebody brought them. come on, honey, let's go. a little slow, but she'll be fine. who the hell is he? who the hell is he? third party? what does he want? what! you know better than that. i don't care. she's always been neutral in politics and that's not going to change. yes. she's pretty rested up. okay. okay, come on, honey. how are you feeling? well, for heaven's sake. you're just about everywhere, aren't you? i think i should tell you i know why you're here. the answer is no . we don't get involved in politics. haven? hell,' we've been playing poker together since we were fourteen. he knows better. how is that? whose word? his word? are you telling me haven promised you something? get her feet up. okay, honey. honey, it's okay. how do you feel now? don't worry, i'll take care or it she's fine now, folks. just too soon after the hospital, i guess. she won't be able to continue and she's in the bus crying her eyes out, because she doesn't want to disappoint the people who love her the most. what? i said 'no!' we're very sorry. please. if you'll listen. you can see her tomorrow at percy warner park. triplette, i want to talk to you. i got trapped and you know it, so let's have some rules. no, you don't, so don't say you do. bunch of damn liars. what do you get out or this? your job, huh. she will not appear on the stage or support that walker guy and you can't have any of his signs up while she sings. she'll be on first and out of the park before he shows up. there will be no pictures, no questions, no answers or tying her name up with his now or in the future to come. any money she makes will go to the president of the united states. we'll see you tomorrow. i'll send her three songs over this afternoon. she'll be done about ten minutes after she starts and walker better not show up till she's through. now, get out of here. what? i'm very busy right now. get me haven. i don't know where you got this, but something tells me you stole it and i hate thieves. aren't you an engineer? i know you -- don't you work at one of those cut a record places? twenty-five bucks a shot, isn't it? usually their last twenty-five. they screwed up. you go on after the choir. have your friend triplette take you to the hospital.