joan? glad to see you. ester'll be glad, too. i'1l get your bag. eater's been asking for you. she's been in the hospital two weeks yesterday. it's hard to say. doctors thought she'd come home a week ago. all it was was appendix. did an exploratory and according to them, she needed an overhaul. what did you say? i see. well, those doctors are real miracle workers. maybe you can look after me a little. you should have stayed. ester's been wanting to see you. yes, air. can i help you? i think we can do that. come in. green's the name. my wire's been in the hospital so things might be a little dusty, but the sheets are clean and the bath's down the hall. you're in music, i guess, aren't you? 'cause my niece sings most of the day. that won't bother you, will it? i didn't think it would. she's calling herself l.a. joan this- week. last week it was dakota. guess if you have to change your name a state's as good as anything. my wife and i think so, but we're family. your family's always good or bad depending on how you look at your family. what do you do, pick or sing? when you run out or money, 'cause you will here, you can go sing at bishop's pub. they let you pass the hat. all these kids do that. most every place doesn't want to bother with you. well, don't be shy. i got the address here. anytime you need it. room's twenty-five dollar! a week and you can have breakfast with me if you like. a little. what do you need? get ready. we're going to the hospital. we're going. ester and me did; my niece picked then. she's just here from california. excuse me. are you in music? well, neither am i. but my niece is. hello. am i disturbing you? oh, honey, i didn't mean to scare you. well, my wife, ester's down the hall. i saw barnett leaving and i was just talking to ester about your being here. she loves you so much, i just had to come down and say hello. we've been following you since you were a girl. well, i just scared you to death. i didn't mean to do that. you'll have to speak up. eater says she doesn't see how you do it. oh just about everything, i guess. those doctors started on an overhaul and don't want to quit. they keep taking things out. she's going to come home an egg shell. tough, though. she's tough. green. hi, sherry. i'll go on. ester'1l be very glad. you going today? i'll tell ester, she'll be thrilled i saw you again. i got them right here. bye, bye. where have you got her hidden today? yes, ma'am. how are you today? i'm fine. can i go up? you want me to wait? what? sure. you're a fine boy, ken, you really are. good night, i guess she's not coming.