no. no -- just coming to nashville, that's all. no. no. no. no. probably stay at a motel tonight. no. yes, sir. yes, sir. i need a room kenneth fraser. glad to meet you. she sure sings nice. oh. a little of both. just thought i'd look around at nashville for a while. i'm not really a musician. suits me. listen, do you know anything about cars? mom? nashville. the car broke down. well, i got to nashville. that's pretty far. i feel really good. i'm in a rooming house with mr. green. i don't know his first name. no. no, they're white. he's got a nice dog. fungus? i don't think so. how do you know if they do? does their hair fall out? listen. maybe i should go. i want to get the dog off my bed. okay. i'll be talking to you. bye. i have to try to get my car running. well, okay. what the hell? replacement party. a guy named walker. amazing person. he's developed a huge following. well i've been following him around just listening to him --he says he can really win -- i bet he can too - well, he's really amazing. ah, hello. my name is kenneth fraser. and i'm here from terre haute, indiana. ah, listen . somebody stole my handles. oh, well, thanks. ah, oh, maybe you know where. do you carry door handles? nash. sixty-three. sure. ill take it. i'll call back on the handles. hey, when do they come on? oh. he does and the phone rings. hello? no, but i can give him a message. oh my god! i thought you were at the hospital with your uncle! listen, your aunt ester just died. i'm. sorry. listen, i really feel bad now about last night. we had no. i mean, mr. green was so nice to me. he took me in and. i've got to get a hold of mr. green. okay. you get to sleep. i'll see you in the morning. good night.