i'm fine. this here is john triplette. triplette, like you to meet the honorary mayor, haven hamilton. where is she? listen, we'll go get the car and come back. this'l1 be going on for a while. hal? well, hal and i have been friends for a long time. no, we never did that we're connected by a relative. one time, one of his aunts married one of my uncles. that was a long time ago, though. how'd you come to work for him? you do? he ain't really new. he was a good judge, but that was a long time ago. where are you from? you always live there? well, i admire your optimism, and i just wondered if it was regional. you ever see any movie stars? no kidding -- wait till i tell linnea. who? who? i never heard of him. name somebody else. you really do? ~ god -- how come you know them? i'll be damned. boy, if you could get ryan to say something about hal phillip walker, wouldn't that be something? i'll be dammed. you call again and i'm calling the police. sorry to bother you, bud. need to have you check these out before he goes on that walker benefit. thanks. i'll. go say hello to your mom. oh. well. have you heard from barnett? let me know when you do, all right? i'll just be in here. how is she? have you talked to triplette? he's lining up talent for hal phillip walker. he's going to run for president. he has that sign with the tree. barbara jean. that's what he wants. it's on national television, barnett. well, how about the shopping center? okay, then we'll see you there. here we are, sueleen. sueleen. sueleen gay. wait a minute! i want to look at you. c'mon. c'mon! i just wanna look. good. i wanna look really good. you know what i mean? do you? huh? oh.