pleasure what do you think of him? you go to school together? oh -- well, i really think he's got a chance. oh yea -- there has never been a better time for something new. he is to a lot of people. you know, i'll bet you he makes it with a majority. southern california. spent time in arizona. why? i know a couple. ah. peter finch. peter finch -- he's english. ryan o'neal. oh, you meet them at parties and stuff. well -- maybe. let's see what happens here. excuse me, barnett, how's she doing? i'm sorry. i feel as if i know you. i'm john triplette. a friend of del reese. i was at the airport. i just wanted to introduce myself. i'm a great fan of hers. if there's anything you need, just give me a call. i'm at the sheraton south. okay, i just wanted to see if i could help out at all. oh, sure. not a thing, barnett, really. i need a little information. but, ah, it can wait. okay. thanks. hello. oh yes, i'm john triplette. why? what? someone gave it. here, you want this. i'll. hi. i'm john triplette. hello. john triplette. glad to meet you. oh, no, listen, i don't want to take up too much of your time. well, i'm here putting together a show. it's a benefit really. hal phillip walker. he's pretty well known down here. i was wondering if you'd like to be in it. it's going to be televised and. president. wednesday at the park. we've got a lot of names coming in. yes. minimum. well, he- expressed a particular wish to have you on. you're real favorites of his. first you have to understand how much he admires you. you sing for people and that's what he's about. he wants to help people. especially now, you know. sure thing. you're doing some recording here, aren't you? might be good for you. you don't know how pleased he'll be. okay. oh? well, i just thought i'd call. i'm john triplette. excuse me. i got all caught up in looking at you. you'll be fine. may i see your costume? sueleen, you're prettier and probably sing better. besides, she is unusually sick. and tonight you have the opportunity to work in front of some grateful gentlemen. have you ever done this before? well, it's not too hard. you'll sing whatever it is you want to sing. they'll applaud like crazy 'cause i can tell them that you're really something and then the piano and drum will give you a little fanfare and you can sing and take off your clothes or not sing. it really doesn't make much difference, really. but since you've never done this before, singing might help. now this is to raise funds for someone who can help people who are less fortunate than yourself. the more you take off, you see, more money we can raise. i know that you are an artist and i am sure you are very religious. well, this is for people who have a kind of religious belief in the way they live. now, sueleen, you know that's not what we talked about right here in this very room. well, that's not entirely true, barnett. at least not according to haven. i guess that's why he thought you right want to help out. well, it's probably because it would help him. everybody likes to be as good as their word. his word. that's pretty close. he's going to be on the bill. why not put barbara jean on with him? come on, come on. you don't want to waste your energy on that fool. we could invite them to the park. they can come to the concert in the park. absolutely. listen, barnett, i understand your position. nothing; barnett. it's my job. sure thing. triplette hands her the note as barrett angrily steps up. someone calls "places." she's. oh, my god. there's blood here. ladies and gentlemen, i don't know what to say.