you want a ride into town? well, you just remember, if you can't kick front, kick back, 'cause at least you're kicking. ten minutes, okay? is that what you're going to sing? you think i got any kind of a voice? is that good? you think i should take lessons? you serious? well, honey, i sure hope it comes your way then. sure thing. hey, what are you doing? i know what you're doing. i've done it too long not to know. but if you're going to hunt down food, get enough so you won't have to do it again right away. peanut butter's good. man can last a long time on peanut butter. tommy brown, you are the whitest nigger i have ever seen. hell, you're whiter than that old boy up there. where the hell are you going, oreo cookie? i was in prison for twenty-eight years. premeditated murder. just got out. had me thirteen lawyers. missed the electric chair twice. . been out three months. are you heavy? i'm forty-six. do you like to go up or down? high? do you ever get high? a walk on the wild side. ever do dust? all i need is fifteen minutes a night. sleep. that's all i need. don't want to waste no time sleeping. you married? not me. ain't never loved anybody. ain't never been married. won't either. you know who that is? i see. tom calls bill and mary to the stage. the three of them burst into: "since you've gone." when they finish, bill and mary sit down again. love, that's a word that's been overused. i'll say i sure like you. maybe. i'm a roman catholic. you're baptist, i bet. catholic means universal, everything, know what i mean? i'm a scholar of the bible as well and we're all going to answer to god. have you read the book of revelations? you ever read the 'apocalypse unsealed?' my mother. died in '72. they told me after. they said they couldn't find me before, so they told us after. they said go see the chaplain. i'm a hundred years old and when i'm two hundred, i'll die.