oh, that's rich. well, considering that mickey knox turn his court into a mockery and personally made him look like a fool, i'd say that's very benevolent of judge steinsma. as far as mickey being an excellent amateur lawyer, maybe i'm old fashioned, but when i went to law school, we were taught the object was to win the case, which i did. grace was terrified of mickey. you have to understand most of their victims were normal people with normal lives that nothing out of the ordinary ever happens to. then out of the blue, they're dealing with the devil incarnate. it was extremely difficult for us to find survivors who would take the stand and testify when they knew mickey would be cross-examining them. grace was every bit as terrified, every bit as haunted. but she felt her brother tim and her five girlfriends were counting on her. no further questions, your honor. objection, defence is intimidating the witness with the murder weapon.