wayne and his crew have set up in the food supply room off from the cafeteria. being big, roomy, and unpopulated, it's perfect for an interview. there's eight l.a. county deputy sheriffs around the room along with wurlitzer. roger's setting up his sound equipment while unruly julie is checking her notebook. wayne stands at the window speaking to scott, roger and unruly julie. one the other side of the room wurlitzer and his entourage of deputies are yucking it up, and occasionally bursting into laughter. mickey's sitting in a chair eating a donut. roger's attaching a microphone to his shirt. unruly julie's applying make-up to mickey's face. 16mm - black & white scagnetti walks into the supply room. mickey is explaining to wayne 'why he's killed all those people.' scagnetti can't believe what he's seeing. the entire room is in rapture. shot through scott's camera: video footage: back to: color 35mm