nada, rosey. whatever. eanie, meanie, minie, moe, catch a nigger by the tow. if he hollers, let him go. eanie, meanie, minie, moe. my mom told me to pick the best one and you are it. when you tell people what went on here, tell 'em mickey and mallory knox did this. understand? i don't owe you an explanation! i don't owe you shit! i'm not here for your entertainment. if i don't tell you what you wanna hear, what are you gonna do? throw me in jail? i'm already there, you stupid pigfucker. you gonna give me some more time? i've already got life. what else you got to threaten me with? death? i'd like to see you fuckin' try. i haven't met one motherfucker here who's shown me shit! 99 years is a long, long time. look at me, i will never be free, i'm a long time woman. been workin' on the road now. been workin' by the sea. been workin' in the cane fields. and i wanna be free. i ain't never had so much fun. not a one. naw, she don't mind. show off. love is a hurtin' thang, and it leaves a fiery sting. whataleeatcha, whataleeatcha dodaleedo, dodaleedo. whataleeatcha, whataleeatcha dodaleedo, dodaleedo. simplest thing there isn't much to it. all ya gotta do is dodaleedo it. i like the rest, but the best part i like is whataleeatcha, whataleeatcha dodaleedo, dodaleedo, do quack, quack. it's taken you so long to come to me. exciting, isn't it? are we in a big hurry? yeah. thanks. roll 'em, donut. you! stand up! you probably thought it was pretty funny, didn't ya? can you remember the last time you fucked with me? close your eyes and remember. are ya thinking about it? good. mickey! is that the front door? back off or i'll blast him! back off or i'll blast him! back off or i'll blast him! shut up! don't talk, i don't wanna hear it! i said shut up. and i mean shut up! look, lover boy, we're not getting outta here. so i say the hell with going back to our cells. let's do a butch cassidy and the sundance kid. run down these stairs shootin', go out in a hail of bullets, but take as many of those motherfuckers with us as possible. hasn't it? duncan. homolka? make a path! don't stop! it wasn't 'till we got on the ground floor that i totally realized they weren't gonna shoot unless we shot first. when we got out of the stairwell, i remember thinking, 'oh my god. this might work.' but mickey knew it would work all along. there wasn't any doubt in his mind. it's not like there was and he just didn't show it. he knew it would work. i wondered how long it would be before we'd get to be alone together. and i wondered if i could wait that long. haven't you been listening to a fuckin' word i said? . oh, i'm sorry. can i say fuckin'? i can't, can i? we had nothing to do with that riot. that riot was just -- whatchmacallit -- what he said. we didn't know jack shit about and riot. it just happened. it was kismet. we didn't even know those people. how are we supposed to organize a riot when we've been in fuckin' isolation for the past year? just bleep out the fucks and jack shits. i mean, it's not like we care. if they wanna say we masterminded the whole thing, let 'em. it won't exactly keep us up at night. but you said you wanted the truth, and the truth is we were just lucky. well, now me and mickey are gonna take it easy. just enjoy each other's company, stop and smell the roses, notice the color purple, stuff like that. well, back in slave times they had a thing called the underground railroad. and we got a whole fan club out there just waiting to be conductors. so, you kids out there, keep the faith. cause mickey and mallory will be comin' to your town real soon. looked like an interview to me.