i'm gettin' off this minimum wage train. break my back for you and throw away my youth for nothing. when i'm thirty, have a big wall drop down in front of me called the future. realize i've been doin' time in a burger flippin' jail. listen to me jimmy-dick, i want cash, lots of it, cars, fast cars! and i want it now! not later, now! i wanna wail, baby, wail! let me telly ya about society and its boots. it uses those boots for steppin' on people like me and her! i'm not saying it's not gonna hurt, but-- no fuckin' way! no fuckin' way! no fuckin' way! i don't give a damn if a million united states marines, all whistling the halls of montezuma, are gonna come marchin' down this alley any second. there ain't not fuckin' way in hell i'm leaving you. and that's that! i can't do it. you're my wife, you're my partner. a fella doesn't run when his partner can't run with him. mallory, my angel, if i could of left ya, i'd of left ya a long time ago. sit tight. i'm gonna make it a little tougher for 'em. time to get naked and boogie. yeah baby. mallory!