this is raymond burr witnessing the destruction of tokyo by godzilla. how immediate is immediately? we don't got enough footage for a hour follow up. but we changed the order around so it wasn't super obvious. so we film the interview, and we can just slap it on at the end. now we got to film a new intro for the follow up episode. but we put the intro for the first episode at the beginning temporarily so you can see it with some scope. where the fuck's the chocolate cream filled? did anyone get my chocolate cream filled? if you did, it's mine. i pointed at a chocolate cream filled. you saw me do it, didn't you? at the time, i was too busy explaining to scott the finer points of film. i'm as serious about that as i am about going back to the donut store, and dipping that stupid mexican's head into the batter for forgetting my chocolate cream filled. gimme that other box. that dumbass probably put my chocolate cream filled in there by mistake. what's the big deal? take out my chocolate cream filled, put one of these roasted coconut--- so you're giving a man who butchers whole families, little babies included, my chocolate cream filled? wayne--- she was born without a tongue. say something. anything. ah. fine. let me make an adjustment here, and we'll be ready to rock 'n roll. oh. uh, the dumbass at the donut place put a chocolate cream filled i asked for in your box. yeah. ya see, i ordered that special. look, i'll trade you. fine. roger, what the hell are you doing? you're bothering the serial killer. rockin'! yes, sir. not good. it's video. ready. man, oh, man. this is better than vietnam!