you wanted to see me, capt'n? this is bullshit. i'm a detective. you want an errand boy, call jerry lewis. jack scagnetti. you wanted to see me? thank you, sir. who isn't? they've been separated since their incarceration in a couple of penitentiaries--- they've killed a shitload of inmates and guards--- i can appreciate that. lobotomy bay? so, how do i fit into this scheme? by all means. i see. who's the song bird? why? ain't love grand. jesus christ! thanks. what's the travelling arrangements? and where do you keep mickey? who? wayne gayle! rise and shine, mallory! beautiful day for a drive, isn't it? it's a long trip to bakersfield. long and hot. ever been to bakersfield? see, i've been there twice. and i'm not lookin' forward to goin' back. but i'm in and out. you, on the other hand, sweetheart, are gonna spend the rest of your life there. now that's what i call cruel and inhuman punishment. course you're not gonna give a shit. 'cause when the good doctor's get through givin' you the zap. . you won't know where the hell you are. they'll just put you on a window sill, and water you every other day. wait outside for a second, fellas. don't worry about it. want a smoke? c'mon, i already lit one for you. i know you smoke. i was reading the file on you. you know what it said during your trial, whenever they put you on the stand, no matter what they asked, your answer was always the same'i love mickey.' it also says that when they gave you a polygraph, 'i love mickey' was the only thing you said that registered as the truth. who are you supposed to be? squeaky fromme? is that it? is mickey your charles manson? is mickey jesus? is that the attraction? or does he just got a big dick? that's it, isn't it? mickey's got a big donkey dick. can you remember the last time you fucked? huh? what i want you to do is close your eyes and remember. remember the last time ol' mickey gave you the high hard one. are ya thinkin' about it? good. remember it. don't ever forget it cause it ain't never gonna happen again. cause when they get through with all that electroshock shit they got lined up for you two, mick's dick ain't gonna be worth shit. look. you're gonna sit here for a couple hours while i finish up the arrangements. the reason they picked me to be your chaperone is they know i won't hesitate to put a bullet in you. so, during our journey, if any wild hairs spring up on your ass, you'd better slap a muzzle on 'em! fuck with me, bitch, even a little bit, you're gonna get accidentally shot! comprehende? she broke my fucking nose! that bitch broke my nose! she broke my nose. hold her, boys. i want this filled before we leave. how's it goin'? you should see the other bitch. what time you got? yeah. bus is all gassed up and ready to roll. yeah, we met. they're good men. waitin' in the lounge. coolin' her jets in a holding cell. nothing for me. i'm leavin'. yeah, sure. slide the shotgun over here, put your hands behind your head, put your forehead on the floor. i've never wounded anything in my life. i got you locked right between the eyes. hold it! don't shoot! what? she's in the holding cell, on this floor. yeah.