i admire them. they're mesmerising. have you seen 'pumping iron?' through the power of the simple word--- ---and a snake-eye glare, arnold was able to totally psyche out any confidence ferigno had. he had the edge. the mind's edge. only on a much grander scale. schwartzenegger was the king of the edge before they came along. yes. but you see, that's okay, wayne. they passed the 'edge' along to us. by taking away our legs. now we have to fight harder to get ahead than anyone else you'll find in this gym. probably the whole city. they gave us the fighting spirit. before this happened i was content. now i'm pissed off. now i'm half a man and i've got to work like the devil to get whole again. never is a very long time, wayne. a word only the weak use. i'm not a sore loser. even if i don't have a leg to stand on, i'm going to get up and fight this world until i'm on top again. that's the way of the world. survival of the fittest. just for fun, i guess. mickey stops sawin' on my leg and says, 'oh my god, i'm your biggest fan!' they were especially influenced by 'conquering huns of neptune.' they actually apologized.