you duckin' me dewight? this son of a bitch is chairman of the prison board, but it's like pullin' teeth to get him down to a prison. pleased to meet ya, jack. i read your book. i'm impressed. good work on curtis fox. and i want you to know, we'll all cry a river when you're gone. well, mickey and mallory can't be together. so, we'll put you on one of our prison busses and you'll take mallory first, then you'll come back for mickey. we got his stinkin' ass in the deepest, darkest cell in the whole place. but it just so happens that right now he's got a special visitor. wayne gayle. hello, mr. gayle. i'm phil wurlitzer. we talked on the phone. it's a pleasure to meet you. i'm the superintendent here at l.a. county jail. me and my deputies are who you'll be working with while you're here. this is just for an interview, i was on the set of 'dukes of hazzard' once. it was a much bigger deal than this. they had a crew of maybe seventy-five people. and when it's lunch time, they don't just go to mcdonalds. they got cooks there servin' great food. swedish meatballs. how's everything coming, mr. gayle? by all means. oh yes, indeed. top flight. is that her real name? i see. ya know, i was. i was on the 'dukes of hazzard' set about eight years ago. oh, that 'dukes of hazzard' show, there was probably ninety-five people there, maybe more. it sure is. well, just what the hell do you expect me to do? mr. gayle, do you have the slightest idea how dangerous knox is? since he and his wife have been in custody, they've killed--- well, let me let you in on one more fact you obviously don't know. if i were to take my men away, mickey knox would snap your neck like a twig. wayne, if it was anybody else--- what are we talking about? okay. i'll take two guys off. i can't do that. five guys. i'll cut it in half. four guys, but that's it. okay, boys, lets start undoing him. and me. why don't i have mickey thrown back into his cell and we can forget the whole thing? don't call my men assholes. this asshole's tryin' to tell me what i'm gonna do in my jail. fuck him! this nanderfuck doesn't know what he's dealin' with here, but we do. and if shit happens, he ain't gonna be responsible, we are. so keep your shotguns out, your fingers on the triggers, and be ready to fire at a moment's notice. shhhh! i wanna hear this. what the hell happened to you? two-thirty. shhh. i'm not running out and getting that piece of shit a coke. are you all set? i assigned you bingham and washington to go along. they're real goddamn good. they'll be there for when ya need 'em. where are they? how 'bout mallory? me, neither. i don't eat meat. yeah? talk to me. where? for the love of pete. okay. okay . okay. mobilize the men. i'm on my way. i'll be a son of a bitch. there's a riot going on in the laundry room. it sure as hell is. they got guns, hostages, and explosives. jack, could you stay up here for a while? i'm taking one of these men. yates, come with me. stay up here and finish your interview, i've got to see what the hell's going on down there before i can take responsibility for you to film there. i want two men stationed in that tier, and i want men with rifles all along the walkway. where do the air ducts lead? we turn it back on. the machines go back on supplying us with the cover noise we need. smithy, do it. jonesy, are the sharpshooters in place? you sure? never say you think when you know, or you know when you think. bergman, you in place? pass this to your team. the second they get a lock on a blue, they're to take the shot. do you understand? what do you think, pitney? how much explosives do you think that they really have in there? take a wild stab! the entire wing? jesus. wait a minute, bailey. where's the list of the hostages? keep on it, son. alvarado, issacs, julian, martinez, newendyke, olvera, pool, ramos, schmidt, spivey, walsh, westerguard. what is it napalatoni? what do you mean he's loose? now mickey, mallory, just let me say--- you have to know--- give up! there's no other way out! how far do you think your gonna get? that'll never happen. i will personally hunt you down, blow the head off your fucking-whore-wife, and plant your sick ass in the ground all by myself.