here. we can share. they share a smile. guy perkins and his amazing lemmings. they push your car out of its space, hide it, then watch while you look for it. we've taken to chaining ours together for safety. i'm aldys. when it's not yours. my mom was going through her harlequin romance phase. i guess. although, what is truly awful is that with the combined intellectual effort of every kid in that room right now- she points up to the biology room- they still would not know the difference between a synecdoche and a hyperbole. josie laughs. well, do you? nice. they stop and look around. until guy tells them to go. once they watched me for like two hours. i found my car the next day in the t.j. maxx parking lot. yeah - isn't it amazing that those guys are our same age? i mean, they just seem so much younger, you know. i'm going to be so happy to get to college. i hear at northwestern they don't make fun of you for knowing the element table. professor of medieval literature. novelist. weekend flautist. aldys takes another slurp of her shake. we hear a muffled cell phone ringing. i think your knapsack is ringing. josie takes the cell phone out of her knapsack and answers it. they love to disconnect the battery, too. she looks under the hood, reconnects the battery. slams the hood down. just so you know, i think they recalled these cars in 1974. sure. no problem. aldys heads to the lot for her car, and then turns around. hey, josie, how are you at calculus? how would you like to join the denominators? the math team could really use a new brain. we lost our best logarithm guy last year. well, rosalind disguises herself as a man and escapes into the forest. southglen south competes every year for best prom, and usually they win. we denominators don't even go to prom. -but to everyone else it's huge. this one has been so hyped. we're tied for most wins with northglen north. this year's winner will determine the winner of the century. the theme is everything. so whatever southglen picks has to be totally unique-- interior. northglen north high school - day kids all stare at a loudspeaker. kid's voice: and this year's prom theme is--the millennium! the northglen kids go crazy. we should be spending it thinking of how we can better serve your baby-sitting needs? that's the old drive-in. they call it "the court". now it's just a continuous party for guy's group. angle on: gibby and kristen talking by a car. aldys: sometimes i wonder what they talk about. i mean, what if they just stupid to hide the fact that they're actually brainiacs with super powers and they're plotting to take over the world and make my life hell until i die? angle on: the cool girls. oh, guy, you on a little break from having an original thought? ooops, i forgot, that's all the time. tyke gets it, and laughs. guy doesn't get it at all. oooh, cheap wine coolers and a fire in a trashcan. where do i sign up? last i checked--this was still a free country. are you kidding, josie? it's lame. all they do is stand around and get drunk. it's lame. yes, it's lame. exactly. hey, where's your sweatshirt? no biggie. i have an extra in my locker. i'll get it for you. she starts to leave. oh – i almost forgot – i'll see you tonight at big cup. 7:30, right? josie looks confused. remember, that poet that we liked – the reading he's doing at big cup? i got us tickets. i'm late for lab. aldys takes off. josie looks down the hall, where guy, kristen and the others are all looking at a flyer pasted to the wall. hey – where were you last night? i was worried. josie can't take her eyes off rob sitting at guy's table. aldys notices josie's distraction. last night. 7:30. big cup. i kept calling you, but i only got your machine. i don't even know your parents line and i was really worried. well, maybe you should forget about sitting with us too. josie just stands there all alone. hey, josie--i'm really sorry i snapped at you. do you wanna-- josie sees rob waving her over to "the table" where kristen, gibby and the gang sit. look, there goes another lemming. we angle on the escalator as josie and the girls rise single file out of- frame. you can't not sell me a ticket to prom. oh, i get it. it's that pesky making change part that's confusing you guys. here. i'll make it easy. money- ticket. aldys takes her ticket, walks off. tommy and kristen turn to each other and start whispering conspiratorially. angle back on: josie and sam sera runs up to josie. we're dna. a double helix. but i guess you'd know that if you'd actually passed bio. kristen reaches out and touches the rope binding denominator #1 to aldys. denominator #1 slaps her hand away. it's romantic, what you're doing, and they want to be a part of it.