just get in the van, josie. hidden camera. we used it for our expose on overweight flight attendants--"is that why they never give you a second bag of nuts?" uh oh. this can not be good-- oh man. look up, girl. c'mon, look up-- look in the mirror! what the--?! george stands and hits the side of the monitor. hey--i lost the feed! what happened with coulson? gus is going crazy! out of the shadows emerges sam. the look on his face says he just heard everything. 8: this is so not a dream. the stadium clock sets at 5:00. the crowd goes crazy. josie takes a deep, nervous breath and smiles, "oh god." it wasn't supposed to be like this. i was just trying to do my job. and then things happened. well, life happened. and now i'm here. trust me. i am not the kind of girl who does things like this. i mean, two months ago you couldn't have picked me out of a crowd. they do it to all the new kids. josie finds aldys standing next to her. i'm okay. if the bucket's a-rockin', don't come-a knockin'. josie and sam laugh uncomfortably. i always liked betty better. josie turns, sees sam. woman coming through! cover up what you don't want seen! and with that josie comes walking into the locker room, completely unruffled, and storms over to coach romano's office, just as he is leaving it.