did i mention that the class also loves our new kiss ass? josie's smile quickly fades. ooops. sorry. josie just sits there, face burning. yeah, i read this thing that one bran muffin can be like two bran muffins sometimes. kirsten pushes the muffin away. umm- i don't think you're supposed to wear white jeans after 1983. they all laugh. josie fakes a laugh, too. no. it's lather, rinse, repeat. angle back on: aldys and josie suddenly, guy pokes his head in, startling everyone. hey, robbie. all right--that's it. just water and ex-lax till prom. hey josie. it's josie, right? i think it's pronounced gauche. duh, of course you would know that. from being on your yacht in the south of france. they all smile at her. josie soaks in her newfound popularity. sometimes opposites attract. what do you think we are? amateurs? josie, you have totally transitioned. you crossed over. wannabes. kirsten transitioned last year. he is totally crunching on you. by guy? gibby. kristen. kirsten oh yeah. hey josie- who did archie date betty or veronica? told you. and they move off. rob spots tracy and moves off to her. oh-my-god. you totally ripped off my malibu barbie idea. right. that's not an evening gown. don't tell me…you're medieval barbie. you guys--what is the one thing that could ruin my senior prom? so what are you supposed to be? other than freaks? i knew it. you are a loser.