i'm guy. guy looks at josie. he's beautiful. she's flustered. are you in special ed? josie stands up, grabs her bag and her chocolate milk- rufus! prom is gonna be rufus. yeah. i made it up. start using it. wow, if it isn't alpo. coming out to sniff some hydrants? josie is frozen, but not aldys. you guys aren't seriously trying to hang out at the court? and stay away from prom. look, geek, why don't you just go home and play with your calculator. figure out how many lifetimes it will take you to get cool. guy stops running, and the car continues down the street. interior. car – continuous aldys seems a little shaken, tyke continues singing. that is gonna be such a sweet show. i am so there. guy looks at tommy and jason, who f follow his lead. you're using it wrong. they head off, en masse. josie goes and looks at the flyer: "jimmy cliff tonight at delloser hall". josie smiles. exterior. club. delloser hall - night marquee reads "jimmy cliff." a crowd has gathered by the door. josie gets out of cab, and walks towards the club. interior. club. delloser hall - night josie enters the small, smoky club. she wears what she considers to be her "hip concert outfit," an outfit that completely clashes with the rasta wear of the other concert goers. -she reaches the bouncer. hi loser. the group laughs and joins in, saying "hey loser." josie's face registers confusion. josie-cam pov: we move slowly down the packed hallway, the camera shifting nervously amidst a sea of laughing kids. the laughter starts to echo. josie starts to walk quickly, then run, through the gauntlet of' laughing and pointing kids. dude, you rock! he high-fives rob. a pretty girl, tracy approached rob. hey robo- how's it going? no way. i always wanted to be a drummer. that was about josie? rufus… josie. no, josie will have the answer. a long beat. expectant faces all turn to josie. she looks at tracy. yeah. that's it. the class suddenly concurs. so--you going to the party at rob's? josie's taken aback. the girls notice guy's interest. yeah, you gonna be there? josie stumbles on a step guy immediately reaches out to steady her. she melts. she can't even speak, so she just nods. good. i'll see you tonight. guy walks off. hey there. come here. i want to ask you something. rob watches them leaving the kitchen. i already checked. there are some pretty serious couples in there. guy reaches for the doorknob. wow, rob's sister must be such a loser. josie manages a weak smile. guy sits on the bed. come here, sit down. she sits on the bed, and then sees a picture of her and her family on the bedside table. she dives across the bed to overturn it. i'm sure you've probably heard that i want to ask you, but i'd like to know if you'd go to prom with me. i know we didn't hit it off right at the beginning but- rufus. but i don't even know where you live. cool. i'll catch you later. guy leaves. josie is ecstatic and flops back on her bed. stuffed animals fall all around her. come on beautiful - what are you waiting for? josie, smiling, runs down the driveway to the limo. look! i get to have a sword! and they all ooh and ahh. interior. country club – continous we follow josie and the group into the prom. the place looks amazing. lights, ice sculptures, champagne fountains. we pan down the buffet. a boy dressed as a jar of peanut butter and his date, jelly, are getting food. peanut butter turns away from the buffet and bumps into a girl dressed as a chocolate bar. you having fun? hey--what are you thinking about? my sword. it's like a switch has been flicked on in josie's brain. josie, you rock my world. you're like the most amazing girl i've ever dated. you're so smart and fun and crazy! you rock my world. hey, listen--it's prom. how about we let all the old shit go. would you like to dance? aldys can't help it. she smiles, a little flattered. if it's okay with the rest of the double helix. aldys smiles and unhooks herself from the group. and starts to dance with guy. angle on: josie and sam as they continue to dance. what is your problem?! uh, hey, umm--ms. geller. this is totally embarrassing but my mom, she's all worried about me getting a job after graduation. she wanted me to ask you about like, an internship for me, at the sun times? josie smiles big.