that is so sad -- we sit here. nah uh. god. food is so confusing. it's kirsten. josie plops herself down with these girls, and takes a spiral pad out of her big knapsack. in the process, she manages to spill her chocolate milk all over her white jeans. this has been so much fun! we've been first in line for every ride! shut up. yeah, tommy, that's totally gochay. yeah. look at bert and ernie. we angle on anita. she's walking authoritatively up the aisle towards the front. it's really hard to do. some kids try for all of-high school and never make it. we'd love to transition a gay guy into the group. and i'm evening gown barbie. it is on barbie. josie and guy approach, dressed in elizabethan costume. they look great. who are you guys? sorry. there's no room at this table. joseph and mary amble off. guy turns to josie. you so do not deserve to be prom queen. everyone is still staring. it's dead quiet.