i know, like five chickens had to die just so she could look that stupid. kirsten, that bran muffin has like 75 fat grams. rufus? hi there robbie rob. josie sees guy approach rob, and shake his hand. can i just say--i totally love ex-lax. wait, rewind. do you really think she hooked-up with our rob? they're so--different. into our group. her dad sold a car to leonardo di caprio's uncle and before he picked it up, her dad let us all sit in it and take pictures. gibby: wait. do you know any gay guys? we're very evolved. uh uh. i'm disco barbie. kirsten's wearing a short, tight miniskirt. josie, you look rufus. i'm practicing my surprised face for when we get named to prom court. joseph and a very pregnant mary approach their table and try to sit down. that you would trip on your barbie heels and i'd get named prom queen? did i say that out loud? we follow kristen's stare to the prom entrance where aldys and the denominators enter in pairs, one behind the other, attached together with rope, to form a human ladder. they cross the dance floor, interrupting everything with their unwieldy, tied-together conga line. they approach the cool table. you ruined the whole thing!