no way. no way. no way. ech, hold on. what. seriously? no way. no way-- josie's still standing there. what okay, i'm back, so-- josie sighs, walks to her door. it's marked with a lopsided nameplate: josie geller, copy editor. she adjusts the plate so it's perfectly straight. no way . yeah? . no way. josie reaches over, grabs the phone out of his hand and hangs up without missing a beat. she continues on as merkin stares after her. josie reaches the conference room door. an older woman runs out crying. no, but i'm closing the pool in five minutes. merkin holds out a bowl of cash. josie's odds are 3 to 1. 2 to 1 for prom court. and even odds the kid sticks himself with the sword by the end of the night.