keep your pants on. what'dya want? the girls look behind them, nobody. behind the bars? still nobody. what the hell? i don't got all day. sixty bucks. you want the room or not? maybe if you two were in school you could figure out that half a sixty is thirty. you think because i'm short you can just charm me into making some deal, is that it? are you the one that stinks so bad? all right, all right, don't get your underwear in a bunch. as a public service, just 'cause you stink so bad, you can have it for twenty-five. he retrieves a key and holds it up just out of reach between the bars. ten-dollar deposit on key. i give you some special deal, the next thing you know, you two are telling everybody, hey, this midget was a real sap. we gave him some sob story and the little guy just busted up into crocodile tears and handed over the key. come back with my key! the desk clerk jumps off his stool, opens his cage and follows them into the street.