i guess that explains why he's a security guard. they couldn't have gone very far. we'll split up. you go that way! you take fifth! come on, get on your horse! morty and bruce take the cop's order and race off in separate directions. neither hogan nor his partner moves. sure. williamson and hogan step over to a hot dog cart set up next to a newspaper stand. where do you think those two went? might have stashed it. hey, speedy. you didn't see a couple of blondes run past here, did you? that's where they all go. i say we put abbott and costello on the ransom watch. i don't want to be stuck in the same room all day with leona helmsley's nasty stepsister. 605, do you still have visual? policeman #2 negative. but they can't be far. they're on foot. see if you can pick them up. we're on our way. zoom! williamson blasts crosstown. cut to: what in the world could they be doing here? hey! you two! stop! fine. but we're gonna have to stop for lunch pretty soon, 'cause i'm getting heartburn. they pull into traffic, following the cab. in a beat, bennie's town car follows, too. i think so. maybe she's going for the dog. so we stay with the taxi? we stay with the taxi. i'm telling you, i got a hunch these girls don't have anything to do with this dog. drew blows past them, holding the emperor. the detectives exchange glances -- nice hunch -- and they macleod? hogan enters, opens the cell door. you're free to go. an eyewitness says he saw who took the dog. didn't realize the guy was stealing it until he saw us grab you. hogan takes her by the arm in a fatherly way and leads her out. there's your alibi. that's what he said. go home. get cleaned up, a good night's sleep. none of this will seem so bad in the morning. hogan leaves them alone. bike guy steps over.