parker? warren moves back to drew and parker. yeah, i, uh. i just have to do this tour and. but williamson and hogan, led by the u.n. security guy, enter the lobby. drew grabs warren by the arm and turns him. what's going on? parker looks warren right in the eye. this is a test. okay. let me get somebody to cover for me. warren leads them into a small adjoining office. hey, angie, take the 11:00 for me, will you? what was i supposed to do? i liked you. if i'd sent a real picture, would you have met me? that means no. at least this way i got to see you before you blow me off. not-a-twin, huh? yeah, well. i guess everybody would like the world to see them a little bit differently than they are. what's wrong with going out there? police? i thought you guys were joking. well that door's the only way out. there's a restroom at the end of the main hall. parker opens the office door, peeking out. what'd you guys do, anyway? mug a couple supermodels? this way! almost instinctively, they go completely separate ways, warren and parker breaking left, drew right. drew makes a mad dash down a hallway, makes a turn, another turn, working her way deeper into the labyrinth. even while running frantically, she tries to smile politely at everyone she passes until she spots a women's room and quickly ditches inside. he's gone. parker pops up from the same sack. face to face, there's an awkward moment of attraction between them. you have nice breath. something tells me that won't be too tough. warren points to the monitor. parker's jaw drops. her sister is addressing the entire u.n. assembly. cut to: jin zshe miya brad pitt! screaming like banshees, the japanese girls all pour outside, warren and the girls following. dingo cashito, brad pitt ezukai! the japanese girls turn around and storm back through the doors, blocking williamson and hogan's exit. the three of them run for the line of taxis. i may not look like an underwear model, but i'm smarter than a hundred of them put together. warren grabs a taxi door. come on! i'm smart and rich! williamson and hogan have fought their way out through the little japanese girls. realizing they won't reach parker and drew in time, they head for their own unmarked cruiser which is parked just ahead of. bennie's town car. he's holding the door for a cigar- chewing client but watching the girls climb into the cab up ahead. you know, technically, you have to have security clearance to enter the assembly. which isn't so bad. who's bernie lipscomb? sort of a guerilla interview? you know, i'm a big michael moore fan. a look from parker quiets warren. drew's choked up. she just nods, yes. she's pretty upset. i think she took a right up there. uh, isn't that your sister? you think she made it? what now? what on earth did happen? hello, sir. kill? really? you came into town just for me? wow. well, he certainly is a good samaritan. parker looks at the daybag. you guys lead a pretty interesting life, don't you? but now parker's mind is elsewhere. she pulls out drew's daybook, opens it. we going to the jail, or what? i've never been to a jail before. hey! i'm an intellectual! i never claimed to be athletic! as a matter of fact, i was excused from p.e. because of an ascended testicle! too much information, right? cut to: wow. and i thought i was anal. you know, i've always had a thing for librarians. got it. good luck, drew. cut to: sure you will. warren pulls out a cell phone, hits speed dial. dad? hey. i need a favor. yes! but in a good way! dissolve to: