tell mr. pulitzer my yacht was lost at sea. jack laughs and tosses him his crutch. the dorm is now alive with waking boys -- yawning, stretching, pulling on pants, hitching up suspenders as they sing -- song: "carryin' the banner" ah, stop your bawlin' jack, this look like i'm fakin' it? he hobbles towards jack on one crutch. the streets are fulla fakes these days -- it's hurtin' the rep of genuine articles like myself. i gotta find me a new sellin' spot, where they ain't used to seein' me. jack smiles; mush taps crutchy on the arm. sings. no rain -- partly cloudy, clearin' towards evenin'. who ya sellin' wit, jack? stupid question. yeah? how'd you like it if a crip cracked your head? not wit you! -- the delancey brothers! you're gettin' the chance of a lifetime here -- you learn from jack, you learn from the best. sure -- we got the right to take it in the t'roat! hey, jack -- get a loada this! hey, whattaya hangin' around here for? that dave up there? hiya, dave! yeah. hey, shoulda seen me in court today -- old judge movealong monahan hisself! took him two minutes to move me along to snyder for 'my own good.' listen, jack. truth is, i ain't walkin' so good. oscar and morris kinda worked me over a little. i don't want nobody carryin' me -- never! it ain't so bad here. get three squares, sorta, and there's some swell fellas. they still talk about how jack rode outta here on that coach! you already heard the story. that's jack -- ! hey, he looks just like hisself! snyder looks at the picture: instant recognition. him? nah. i never seen the guy, honest. this brain of mine, always makin' mistakes. got a mind of its own. he hobbles out quickly. snyder looks at him, eyes narrowing. snitched it offa snyder's plate when i was servin' him -- the biggest one! snyder was eatin' good tonight -- the stuff we don't never get? * patatas. olives. . liver and bacon. sauerkraut. guess what i done to his sauerkraut. anudder three months, prob'ly. but you can't let 'em beat'cha, right, jack? remember what i told ya -- first t'ing ya do in jail, you make friends with the rats, share what you got in common -- hiya, jack! my leg tells me the strike's over! * ya orta seen it, jack -- he came chargin' into the refuge wavin' his walkin' stick like a sword and he's leadin' this army of lawyers and cops and snyder's hidin' in the patata bin -- who? your pal! him! don't wanna alarm ya, jack, but what i hear, out west ain't like new york at all -- it's fulla bulls, for one t'ing -- not cops, neither, but big ugly animals with horns and --