les, hurry up, willya? why do i gotta be saddled with you? come on -- they'll run out of papers! watch it, willya? what do you think you're doing! i paid for twenty -- you only gave * me nineteen! i want that other paper. the delanceys start for david when suddenly jack steps * up, slams his hand on david's papers, closes his eyes * and does a flip-count. the expert. * i don't want another fifty -- ! these papers are yours, i don't * take charity from nobody! i don't * even know who you are -- hold it! who said anything about partners -- ? if he's the best, then why does he need us? gotta split fifty-fifty. bad headline? paper, mister? without breaking the kiss, the man kicks out at david who jumps away. shaking his head, jack whispers something to les, who rushes over to the lovers, still kissing. extra, 'trolley strike drags on!' what -- ? where's that story -- ? 'trash fire near immigration building frightens seagulls -- ?' our father taught us not to lie. you just make things up -- like those headlines. hold it -- i smell beer! who's sullivan -- ? the refuge -- ? i'm not crossing that! anyway, i don't think they're chasing us -- i think they're chasing you! snyder and macswain huff out onto the roof. david, still uncertain, looks back at them -- the runs across the plank. jack calmly topples the plank to the street as the pursuers reach it, gasping for breath -- he gives snyder a little salute, then moves on to a rooftop exit -- i want some answers -- why was he chasing you? what's the refuge? right, food. he called you 'sullivan' -- you have a way of 'improving the truth.' why was he chasing you? bet it was the mayor, right? i won't. i promise. it's late, my folks'll be worried . what about yours? why don't we divvy up at my place? you can meet my folks. jack -- let's get outta here -- ! the boys move away, jack looking back at the beating. he's just sleeping, momma -- half of it's jack's -- he's our selling partner. and our friend. this is my parents. jack nods awkwardly, starts to say something when sarah, 16, enters from another room with an armload of lace piecework. she's beautiful -- jack becomes instantly tongue-tied. that's sarah. my sister. she smiles -- jack still can't find his tongue. mayer, seeing his awkwardness, steps in -- it's only the beginning -- the longer i work, the more i'll make -- the factory. an accident. he's no good to them anymore so they just fired him. he's got no union to protect him. why don't you stay here tonight? see you tomorrow. carryin' the banner. you mean like a strike? no, i didn't mean -- we can't strike, we're not a union -- there's not enough of us -- maybe if we got every newsie in new york -- it's no joke! you saw what happened to those trolley workers -- nooo! stop and think, willya? you can't just rush everybody into this! uh. uh. pulitzer and hearst have to respect our rights -- uh. they can't treat us like we don't exist. song: "the world will know" approximate time: 3:30. if we stick together like the trolley workers, they can't break us up. it's like a union. the newsboy's union. are we really a union? no! no! we can't beat up kids in the street! it'll destroy what we're trying to do! ambassadors. sure. right after you take our demands to pulitzer. you're the leader. they're going in to present our demands to pulitzer. the newsies' demands. we're on strike. denton looks around, a little amazed. he takes out a notebook. david. he has to. are we really an important story? i've never been to brooklyn -- have you guys? this spot conlon. is he really as bad as they say? i say something funny? come on, tell me -- he bad or not? what's the joke? tell me, willya? we keep widening as the figures get smaller and jack and boots keep laughing and david keeps asking about spot. we're not playing -- we are on strike -- it's -- uh. we started the strike but. we can't do it alone, so. we've been talkin' to newsies all over the city. that. they're all waiting to see what spot conlon does. that you're the key. that spot conlon is the most respected and. famous. newsie in new york. and probably everywhere else. and. if spot conlon joins the strike, they'll join and we'll be unstoppable so you gotta join and . well. you gotta. he trails off. spot nods, turns to jack. throw down your papers! join the strike! how can you be sure they sent crutchy here? be quiet -- they'll hear you --! teddy roosevelt's. right? you mean it's true --? crutchy hears something and quickly shushes them: jack disappears from the window; crutchy slumps into a bunk and pretends to sleep -- just as snyder comes into the room. utter silence -- did you really escape in teddy roosevelt's coach? what was he doing at the refuge? teddy's not like other politicians. he's the biggest hero in the country. he's governor now. i don't understand how he could see that place and not do anything -- i'll bet if he just knew -- i mean, he's a hero -- join us! join us! etc. some of the scabs decide fast -- they throw down their papers and run to the newsies where they're welcomed with cheers and handshakes -- but then -- listen! listen up, everybody -- ! 'like a small but rising storm, the infant newsboys' union continues to gather force -- ' 'their leader is a child of the new york streets with a red bandana and a golden tongue, jack kelly -- ' 'the latest clash demonstrates that the publishers might do well to reconsider their strategy of just waiting out the strike -- ' * that's their plan? to just wait us out? that's what we gotta show 'em -- we gotta do somethin' they can't ignore, somethin' big -- we'll take a collection at the door. we'll pay whatever you ask. you're afraid of them, too. how can they make a whole city afraid? we're the ones putting our necks on the line -- all we need is for somebody to have the guts to stand up and show them we're not alone! they can't destroy you if you fight them -- only if you let them own you! as long as you keep writing about us, they're gonna know we exist. that's just what they want you to do -- so they can say we're just thugs -- jack -- you've gotta get out of here! snyder! snyder! they got jack -- he said he'd be here. we can't let this stop us. we gotta keep the strike going, just like jack was here. where you goin'? we need you. why didn't the sun print the story? denton, what's happened -- you get fired or somethin'? they bought you off. didn't they? didn't they! that's where we saw crutchy. he starts to throw up the rope when boots hisses from the corner, beckoning furiously. they hurry over and peek around the corner to see -- one way to find out. meet me back at the square! david runs after the carriage, leaping onto its back. he flashes the high-sign to the boys as the carriage moves off into the night. jack! why're you stoppin' -- we've got to run! it's worth it -- let's go -- i don't understand -- nobody sells a pape today -- we're hurtin' them and they know it! remember -- no soakin', no hittin' -- etc. this is why you wouldn't escape last night -- why'd you do it? talk to me, you liar! what else did he give you to sell us out -- money? what else? look at me! you lie about everything -- headlines, your family -- -- because nobody counts but you -- nobody or nothing! look at me. keep after them -- we don't need him! stop the world -- don't scab! etc. some chant halfheartedly, confused, demoralized. a few toss down their picket signs in disgust. david moves among them, desperately trying to keep the chant going. the scabs move on, passing les, who gives jack a stricken look as he moves away. couldn't stay away, huh. * a scab? * without you, the strike's falling apart. what happened to the ace war correspondent? another rally, right under pulitzer's nose, and not just the newsies -- be quiet and let me think. what's that? is somebody coming? too late, gotta finish it. the cops are looking for jack -- we gotta protect him -- 'since the strike, the world's circulation has dropped 70 per cent; advertising has been cut in half -- ' every day you lose thousands of dollars -- just so you can beat us out of a lousy tenth of a cent per paper. why? you lousy double-crossing -- ! we won today, but the fight's not over. you're needed, jack. we need you. here. he stands, looking at them. 116: 4. 8. 91 yellow 2. * 4. 8. 91 yellow 3. 4. 8. 91 yellow 4. * )o( 4. 25. 91 grey 6. 4. 8. 91 yellow 7. * )j( 4. 22. 91 tan 9. )j( 4. 22. 91 tan 10. 4. 8. 91 yellow 11. * 4. 8. 91 yellow 12. * 4. 8. 91 yellow 13. 4. 8. 91 yellow 14. 4. 8. 91 yellow 16. 4. 8. 91 yellow 17. 4. 8. 91 yellow 18. 4. 8. 91 yellow 19. * 4. 8. 91 yellow 20. 4. 12. 91 buff 21. * )j( 4. 22. 91 tan 22. * 4. 8. 91 yellow 23. * 4. 8. 91 yellow 24. * )r 25. )r 26. * )r 26a. )p 27. * 4. 8. 91 yellow 29. * 4. 8. 91 yellow 30. * 4. 8. 91 yellow 32. 4. 19. 91 cherry 33. 4. 8. 91 yellow 34. * 4. 8. 91 yellow 35. * )p 36. )p 37. * )p 39. * )p 40. * 4. 8. 91 yellow 41. 4. 8. 91 yellow 42. 4. 8. 91 yellow 43. * )p 44. )o( 4. 25. 91 grey 45. * )o( 4. 25. 91 grey 46. * )o( 4. 25. 91 grey 47. * 4. 8. 91 yellow 49. * 4. 8. 91 yellow 50. * )o( 4. 25. 91 grey 51. 4. 8. 91 yellow 52. 4. 8. 91 yellow 53. )o( 4. 25. 91 grey 54. * )o( 4. 25. 91 grey 54a. green 4. 10. 91 55. * green 4. 10. 91 56. * green 4. 10. 91 57. * )p 58. * green 4. 10. 91 59. green 4. 10. 91 60. * green 4. 10. 91 61. 62. )p 62a. )p 63. green 4. 10. 91 64. )r 66. * )r 66a. )o( 4. 25. 91 grey 68. * )o( 4. 25. 91 grey 69. * )o( 4. 25. 91 grey 69a. * pink 3. 28. 91 70. 4. 19. 91 cherry 71. * )t 74. )s 75. * )s a75a. * )s 75a. 75b. * pink 3. 28. 91 78. )s 79. * )t 79a. 80. * )o( 4. 25. 91 grey 81. * )r 82a. )p 83. * )p 84. 4. 19. 91 cherry 85. )p 86. * )p 87. * )p 88. * )p 89. * )p 89a. )o( 4. 26. 91 ivory 90. * )o( 4. 26. 91 ivory 91. * )o( 4. 26. 91 ivory 92. pink 3. 28. 91 93. 4. 19. 91 cherry 95. * 4. 19. 91 cherry 96. * )o( 4. 25. 91 grey 97. )r 98. * )r 99. )o( 4. 26. 91 ivory 100. * )o( 4. 26. 91 ivory 101. * 4. 8. 91 yellow 103. 4. 8. 91 yellow 103a. pink 4. 1. 91 104. )p 105. )p 106. * )p 107. )j( 4. 22. 91 tan 108. pink 4. 1. 91 109. goldenrod 4. 12. 91 110. * goldenrod 4. 12. 91 111. * goldenrod 4. 12. 91 112. * )p 114. )p 115. * )p 116. * )p 117. * pink 4. 1. 91 118.