'mornin', officer. and i'll keep my eye on you, too, sir. say, cowboy -- i hear medda's breakin' in a new act at the vaudeville tonight -- ya interested? that an echo? or is the crip followin' ya again? hey, who ya sellin' wit, jack? they jacked up the price! ten cents a hunnerd -- i can eat two * days on ten cents! * they can't do that to us -- i'll take harlem! without spot and the others, there ain't enough of us. oooo, lookout for that outlook! it's a beautiful, medda, i tellya, i never heard such beautiful! he won't be there long -- the jail ain't built that jack can't bust outta. it ain't happenin'. it can't be happenin'. any bull comes after jack, they gotta go through all of us. see ya in the funny papes, cowboy --