why do i gotta be saddled with you? cowboy! they call him cowboy! les. this is david, he's my brother. he's older. near ten. extry -- 'runaway carriage crushes cop!' he gimme a dime! he said i should go far away and keep the change! buy me last pape, mista? the guy gave me a quarter! quick, gimme some more last papers! the guy bet me i wouldn't drink some -- that's how i made the quarter! just for one little sip of beer -- ? one sip! i didn't even swallow it! jack leads them into the doorway of -- you were in jail? why? oh, boy. how? buy my last pape, lady? a camille-cough. medda looks at him critically. then you'll be a real cowboy. 'gimme all ya got, baby' stop crowding him! let him think! strike! real hoity-toity -- that's when they threw us out. he's just foolin' 'em. so he can spy on them or something. that's it. he's spyin' on 'em. he's gotta be. hey -- i'm saving that! i told you. he's spyin' on 'em. i'd rather be soakin' scabs. get away from my sister! jack! jack flashes him a grin as he works on morris's bread basket. just as oscar frees himself from the derby, david leaps on him like a fury. punches fly and the delanceys beat a quick retreat down the sidewalk, yelling back -- jack, for the trip -- a pair of cowboy boots! sorta. mayer with a bundle of clothes; esther with food come to the window. she gives it to jack. that's you! he's writin' about you! jack? you thinkin'? i'll tell 'em you was a spy! advertisements! cartoons? and sheepshead bay! no! jack -- ! jack -- ! he said, you're fired. triumphant, jack hoists les over his shoulders: the bulls! jack -- the bulls! jack sees several police shoving through the crowd toward him. he quickly deposits les -- turns to run and sees -- -- snyder right in front of him, hands behind his back. jack spins away and right into the arms of -- comin' down the chute!