of course the city is very concerned that this, uh, event doesn't get out of hand, but. chief? an escaped criminal? if this boy is a fugitive, then the chief can quietly arrest him and -- arrest him at the rally? but. i'd be honored. thank you. pulitzer dismisses them and they start out, snyder oozing backwards, the mayor now all business with chief devery. chief, when you arrest this kelly, you'd better go in force -- in case some of his misguided friends should start any trouble. as they go, pulitzer picks up his magnifying glass and examines the leaflet. we cut away as he stares through the glass so he seems to be looking at -- they're all yelling at me -- me! -- factory owners, bankers, businessmen -- the whole city's at a standstill and they're blaming it on me -- ! i'm not taking the heat for this -- you've got to talk to them -- settle it --